Dear Cheney School, Oxford,
Please provide a spreadsheet detailing all staff expense claims with the following information:
- Nature of expense (i.e food, transport costs, resources)
- In relation to the above, specifically if the expense claim was fully or in part used to purchase alcohol
- Date expense was incurred
- Value in £
- Method of re-imbursement (i.e cash, BACS, reimbursed with salary)
- What the role of the person claiming the expenses is
- In relation to the above, specifically if that person is classed as a senior leader of a school or CSAT.
I would also like to request a copy of the following policies / guidance CSAT holds regarding:
- Consumption of alcohol on school trips
- Consumption of alcohol on school premises
- Use of expenses or school funds for the purchase of alcohol
Yours faithfully,
John Collins
Dear Mr Collins
Thank you for your email which has been forwarded to Mrs Hathaway, Head of Communications.
Kind regards
Mrs Warland
Cheney School
Cheney Lane
Telephone: 01865 765726
Email: [Cheney School, Oxford request email]
Website: www.cheney.oxon.sch.uk
Dear John Collins,
We will supply 3 months' worth of expenses for your information.
Anything beyond this time frame, also taking into consideration previous requests, will take us over the £450 cost limit. For your information, the ICO states: "Currently, the cost limit for complying with a request or a linked series of requests from the same person or group is set at £600 for central government, Parliament and the armed forces and £450 for all other public authorities. You can refuse a request if you estimate that the cost of compliance would exceed this limit. This provision is found at section 12 of the Act."
We will have the relevant for you within the 20 day timeframe.
Kind Regards
Please find attached for your information:
A log of expenses over the last 3 months
Our staff code of conduct which details information about alcohol consumption.
Kind Regards
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