
Max Kerley made this Freedom of Information request to House of Commons This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

House of Commons did not have the information requested.

Dear House of Commons,

Are MP's, allowed to claim expenses for travel etc to a party conference?

Please outline what MP's are allowed to claim per week and what for.

Yours faithfully,

Max Kerley

FOI Commons, House of Commons

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Kerley,


Freedom of Information request F17-459


Thank you for your request for information dated 6 November 2017, received
by us on the same date, which is copied below.


We will endeavour to respond to your request promptly but in any case
within 20 working days i.e. on or before 5 December 2017.


If you have any queries about your request, please use the request number
quoted above and in the subject line of this email.


Yours sincerely,


Sarah Price

IRIS Support Officer
Information Rights and Information Security (IRIS) Service | House of



Click [2]here for details about Freedom of Information

in the House of Commons and to see what we publish.





FOI Commons, House of Commons

1 Attachment

Dear Max Kerley,



Freedom of Information request F17-459


Thank you for your request for information as copied below. You asked if
MPs are allowed to claim expenses for travel, etc. to a party conference.
You also asked for details of how much MPs could claim and for what items
or services.


This information is not held by the House of Commons. The Independent
Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) is responsible for paying MPs’
salaries and processing expenses claims.  Therefore you may wish to
consider contacting IPSA whose details can be found at:


You may, if dissatisfied with the handling of your request, complain to
the House of Commons. Alternatively, if you are dissatisfied with the
outcome of your request you may ask the House of Commons to conduct an
internal review of any decision regarding your request. Complaints or
requests for internal review should be addressed to: Information Rights
and Information Security Service, Research and Information Team, House of
Commons, London SW1A 0AA or [2][House of Commons request email].  Please ensure
that you specify the full reasons for your complaint or internal review
along with any arguments or points that you wish to make.


If you remain dissatisfied, you may appeal to the Information Commissioner
at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF,


Yours sincerely,




Sarah Price

IRIS Support Officer
Information Rights and Information Security (IRIS) Service | House of



Click [5]here for details about Freedom of Information

in the House of Commons and to see what we publish.