Existing GP Surgery/Medical Centre, Berwyn Street, Llangollen, LL20 8HL
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please confirm:
1. That BCUHB holds the freehold interest in this property and if not what interest it in fact holds;
2. What procedures have/will the Board follow to declare the property surplus to their requirements and will it ultimately be offered For Sale on the open market;
3. If the property is listed or included in a Conservation Area, was/will this be taken into consideration when deciding the future of the building;
4. Does the Board intend consulting the Llangollen Community about the future of the building and will/has it consider a Community Use to benefit Llangollen residents:
Yours faithfully,
Michael W. Edwards
Dear Mr Edwards
Thank you for your request below. This request is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000; please find enclosed our leaflet providing guidance on our procedure for managing requests.
I would like to confirm that your request is being processed and we will write to you shortly. A final decision on your request would normally be sent to you within 20 working days of receipt of your request. This means that you can expect to receive your decision by 7th May.
There are some limited situations under the FOI Act, which could mean that the period for a final decision may be longer than the normal 20 days. If this occurs in your request, we will promptly advise you in writing.
Kind regards
Emma Pritchard-Williams
Information Governance Co-ordinator
Cydlynydd Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Bwrdd Lechyd Prifysgol
Betsi Cadwaladr
University Health Board
Email/Ebost: [email address]
Helpwch arbed papur – oes angen i chi argraffu'r e-bost hwn?
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Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yw enw gweithredol Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is the operational name of Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board.
Dear Mr Edwards
Further to your recent request for information under FOI, please find
attached our response.
Kind regards
Gaynor Gould
Information Governance Officer
Betsi Cadwaladr Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol/University Health Board
Ffon/Tel: 01978 727658 (1814) 7658
ebost/email: [1][email address]
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P Arbedwch bapur - peidiwch ag argraffu'r neges hwn onibai ei fod yn
hollol angenrheidiol os gwelwch yn dda!
Rhybudd Ebost (2010) - Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr
Fe'ch cynghorir i ddarllen rhybydd ebost Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi
Cadwaladr (a'i argraffu er mwyn cyfeirio ato yn y dyfodol). Gellir dod o
hyd iddo yn y lleoliad canlynol
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Email Notice (2010)
You are advised to read (and print for future reference) the Betsi
Cadwaladr University Health Board e-mail notice which can be found at this
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is the operational name of Betsi
Cadwaladr University Local Health Board
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/861/tu...
3. http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/861/pa...
Dear Gaynor (BCUHB - Information Governance),
I did not ask the questions in relation to the former Llangollen Community Hospitals!
My request was quite clearly headed "Existing GP Surgery/Medical Centre, Berwyn Street, Llangollen, LL20 8HL", please answer my questions without delay in relation to the Medical Centre?
Yours sincerely,
Michael Edwards
Dear Mr Edwards
Thank you for your email below. Unfortunately, your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act made no reference to the GP Surgery in Llangollen, a copy of which is attached for your information. Furthermore, as we have received several requests previously in relation to Llangollen Hospital we have made that assumption and I apologise for this. Also, The Llangollen Health Centre is on Regent Street, Llangollen, therefore could you please confirm that it is this GP Surgery which your request now refers to.
As soon as confirmation is received I will liaise with leads to review your request and will forward this to you accordingly.
Many thanks
Kind regards
Gaynor Gould
Information Governance Officer
Betsi Cadwaladr Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol/University Health Board
Ffon/Tel: 01978 727658 (1814) 7658
ebost/email: [email address]
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Arbedwch bapur - peidiwch ag argraffu'r neges hwn onibai ei fod yn hollol angenrheidiol os gwelwch yn dda!
Dear Gaynor (BCUHB - Information Governance),
I certainly hope you are not being obtuse!
BCUHB have only one GP Surgery/Health Centre in Llangollen and I gave you the post code to confirm its location. Berwyn Street runs into Regent Street close to the traffic lights on the A5 through Llangollen, but I confirm that I am referring to the existing Health Centre which will presumably become defunct when you move facilities to the new Medical Centre on Mill Street due for completion in June this year. If you were not certain which property I was referring to, why did you not query this in the first place before replying with information which was incorrect.
For avoidance of doubt in your mind I am and always was referring to the existing/current Health Centre on Berwyn/Regent Street occupied by Dr. Robert Tanner & Partners and which is a former Church in Wales School.
Yours sincerely,
Michael W. Edwards FRICS, IRRV(Hons)
Dear Gaynor (BCUHB - Information Governance),
I am disappointed you have not provided the details I requested in my FOI within the Statutory Period.
Please provide the information within the next seven(7) days or I report the issue to the Information Commissioner?
Yours sincerely,
Michael W. Edwards
Dear Mr Edwards
Thank you for your email below. I am currently finalising a response to your dissatisfaction/complaint in relation to our response for 007/15/FOI and hope to have completed the internal review within the next couple of days.
Many thanks
Gaynor Gould
Information Governance Officer
Betsi Cadwaladr Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol/University Health Board
Ffon/Tel: 01978 727658 (1814) 7658
ebost/email: [email address]
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Arbedwch bapur - peidiwch ag argraffu'r neges hwn onibai ei fod yn hollol angenrheidiol os gwelwch yn dda!
Dear Mr Edwards
Further to your email of 23^rd April 2015, an internal review of our
response for 007/15/FOI dated 23^rd April 2015 has been carried out and is
Kind regards
Gaynor Gould
Information Governance Officer
Betsi Cadwaladr Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol/University Health Board
Ffon/Tel: 01978 727658 (1814) 7658
ebost/email: [1][email address]
P Help save paper – do not print this message unless necessary!
P Arbedwch bapur - peidiwch ag argraffu'r neges hwn onibai ei fod yn
hollol angenrheidiol os gwelwch yn dda!
Rhybudd Ebost (2010) - Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr
Fe'ch cynghorir i ddarllen rhybydd ebost Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi
Cadwaladr (a'i argraffu er mwyn cyfeirio ato yn y dyfodol). Gellir dod o
hyd iddo yn y lleoliad canlynol
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Email Notice (2010)
You are advised to read (and print for future reference) the Betsi
Cadwaladr University Health Board e-mail notice which can be found at this
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is the operational name of Betsi
Cadwaladr University Local Health Board
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/861/tu...
3. http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/861/pa...
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