Exeter Chiefs Rugby Ground Pedestrian Bridge

Sheila Oliver made this Freedom of Information request to Devon County Council This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was refused by Devon County Council.

Dear Devon County Council,

Regarding the Exeter Chiefs Rugby Ground Pedestrian Bridge aka Bakers Bridge, please may have via this website:-

1.As Built Health and Safety File

2.Operation Maintenance Manaual.

Yours faithfully,


alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

I am surprised the DCC have not sent you this information because they informed the First Tier Tribunal last week they DO HOLD this data.??

Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox, Devon County Council

Dear Ms Oliver,

Information Request: 01654

I received your request on 30th August 2011 for information held by Devon
County Council regarding the Exeter Chiefs rugby ground bridge.

Your request will be dealt with under the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004.  You are entitled under these regulations to be informed
whether or not the information you have requested is held by Devon County
Council and if so to be given access to that information within 20 working
days (subject to any exceptions).

You should expect to receive a response to your request by 27th September

Yours sincerely

Vicky Moffat
Information Compliance Officer

Devon County Council
Information Governance Team
Strategic Intelligence
Services for Communities
Room L10
County Hall
Topsham Road
Tel: 01392 38 4678
Disclaimer: [1]http://www.devon.gov.uk/email.shtml
Applicable to private messages: "Devon County Council accepts no legal
responsibility for the contents of this message. The views expressed do
not reflect those of Devon County Council"

Please be aware that emails may have to be disclosed under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 or the Data Protection Act 1998.

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alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The DCCcdisclaimer at the end of all their messages is somewhat disconcerting
"Applicable to private messages: "Devon County Council accepts no legal
responsibility for the contents of this message. The views expressed do
not reflect those of Devon County Council"

Is that why there are SO MANY cockups with the DCC FOI??

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

You might want to know that the DCC DO HOLD the sought after data subject to you FOI request and the reason I know that is because the DCC informed the First Tier Tribunal last week that they DO HOLD tsuch data.
Should be interesting.??!!

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The FTT overturned an earier VEXATIOUS decision made by the DCC&ICO on a similar FOI request with this Bridge.
Hence,I wonder what the DCC will say to Sheila request.
Cant wait

M Yelland left an annotation ()

What is so disturbing about the activities of DCC, is that John Hart and John Clatworthy are proud to be it's leader and deputy leader respectively.

They both brush away serious problems as if they are speck's of dust on a carpet.

Readers should take note, that out of 68 councillors, only one that I know of, is prepared to put his head above the parapet. Well done councillor Prowse.

I struggle to find what the others are doing there.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Mr Yelland
Very good point Sir and we must remember if security and transparency is NOT seen to be working ,it probably AINT' working. Any reputable PA who has been proven to be wrong, would move heaven and earth to repair their mistakes.
Not the DCC , they are driven by WILFUL BLIDNESS OF their Leadership.
The DCC AND the ICO have been given a bloody nose this week with their FOI VEXATIOUS nonesense in my EA 2011/0079 First Tier Tribunal.
Lets see if have learnt any lessons.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Another bloody nose yesterday with the Upper Tribunal decision ref GIA/1053/2011, Alan M Dransfield v ICO&DCC.
In essence, the Upper tribunal have ordered a RETRIAL. Could it be something to do with the fact the DCC are lying thru their teeth ref their FOI Polices and procedures.

Dear Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox,

Please take this as a polite reminder.

With very best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Sheila Oliver

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Good to see you are on the ball giving the DCC a polite reminder.
Wouldn't be at all surpised if you dont get a response because they have ALL been sacked for my DEBACLE.

M Yelland left an annotation ()

Alan you said, "because they have ALL been sacked for my DEBACLE." I would like to know who has been given the heave-ho, or who has even been moved side-ways?
And there could be more to follow for an entirely different reason.
Lying, misleading statements, misinformation appear to be endemic with many in local authorities.
I do not know the reason for it, but there has to be more to it, than trying to cover up a minor error.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

At this juncture,I am not aware if anyone has been sacked from the DCC/FOI. It is just wishful thinking by me??!!But someone somewhere should be sacked for my FOI DEBACLE.
I agree with you about mis/disinformation but they are not minor errors,they are life threatening in some cases.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

does this require another polite follow up by you?

Dear Devon County Council,

Would it be possible to have a response please?

Yours faithfully,

Sheila Oliver

Dear Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox,

Polite follow-up please.

Yours sincerely,

Sheila Oliver

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

You are overdue a response on thıs from the DCC.
Could ıt be becausethey are APPEALING the NON_VEXATIOUS FTT decısıon. Should make any dıfference ın my vıew.

Dear Devon County Council,

Could I please have a response to this request. Irrespective of any other allegedly vexatious decisions regarding other people, I have asked this question and by law I should be given a reponse.

Yours faithfully,

Sheila Oliver

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

3 days overdue now

Dear Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox,

I don't quite see what the problems is. Could you explain the delay to me.

Many thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Sheila Oliver

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Mrs Oliver
The DCC advised you they would respond by the 27Spet and despite several follow up by you on this matter
they have not responded.
I think it is time for you to elevate this matter to theICO.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Mrs Oliver

I am happy to report the DCC lost their appeal on this matter,hence, they might JUST respond to your request in a couple of days?!!

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Mrs Oliver

Your original FOI request is dated 27th Aug,hence, they are well behind the legal limits for reply. I suggest you elevate this to the ICO.
I understand the DCC are in a bit of a Pickle on this one,ditto for the ICO.
Maybe Eric should be called in as a troubleshooter??!!

Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox, Devon County Council

Dear Ms Oliver,

I write in relation to all your outstanding information requests made to
Devon County Council between 30th August and 9th November 2011.  I have
listed the request numbers and the date the request was submitted, below
for your reference.

01654           30/08/11               
01745           03/10/11
01792           10/10/11
01828           19/10/11
01829           19/10/11
01830           19/10/11
01847           24/10/11
01855           24/10/11
01869           01/11/11
01912           09/11/11

I apologise for the delay in responding to these requests and I
acknowledge that Devon County Council is currently in breach of Section 10
(Time for compliance) of the Freedom of Information Act in relation
request numbers 01654, 01745 and 01792, and from the close of play today,
01828, 01829 and 01830.  However, we would like to clarify that our lack
of response to date is not a refusal of your requests. 

As you are aware, we have received a number of similar requests from
another applicant, of which many remain un-responded to at present.  We
are currently conducting a review of these requests.  As your requests are
for the same information, we are also including your requests in this

We are also currently awaiting the outcome of the Information
Commissioner's Office appeal against the Information Tribunal's decision
reference number EA/2011/0079, as to whether or not we are required to
disclose requested information in relation to the Exeter Chiefs rugby
bridge.  The outcome of this appeal may also be taken into account when
reviewing the outstanding requests listed above.

Therefore, I can confirm that we will respond to all your requests as soon
as we have completed our review, and I thank you for your patience to

Yours sincerely,

Vicky Moffat
Information Compliance Officer

Devon County Council
Information Governance Team
Strategic Intelligence
Services for Communities
Room L10
County Hall
Topsham Road
Tel: 01392 38 4678
Disclaimer: [1]http://www.devon.gov.uk/email.shtml
Applicable to private messages: "Devon County Council accepts no legal
responsibility for the contents of this message. The views expressed do
not reflect those of Devon County Council"

Please be aware that emails may have to be disclosed under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 or the Data Protection Act 1998.

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alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Dear Mrs Oliver
The DCC/FTT appeal to the FTT was refused,hence, I can't see what the problem is.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

AGAIN the DCC shoot themselves in the FOOT.
In the event my FOI are reviewed and found to be vexatious, that has NOTHING to do with Mrs Olivers requests.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The DCC confirm they have NOT resonded to a NUMBER of my requests??!!
Another shot in the foot,whoops.

Dear Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox,

I couldn't care less regarding the explanation you have given. I have made this request and no-one else. I have never been labelled vexatious by Devon County Council, so what is the problem? What are you hiding?

Yours sincerely,

Sheila Oliver

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

VERY good question Mrs Oliver

M Yelland left an annotation ()

What difference does it make when DCC is found in breach of a regulation?
Internal or external auditors do nothing about it, they will claim it is not in the public interest - so as you were. They bolster the council's confidence by giving them stars and telling the world what a wonderful council we have.
Those that should show concern - don't show any. They are part of the dark shadows.
The leader of the council (John Hart) and his followers (Cabinet members) and of course, lest we forget (Brian Greenslade past leader) it was under his watch when this sort of thing was going on as well. They have complete contempt for those that placed them there.

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

You have hit the nail on the head Mark. Furthermore, the LGO fail to bring these ROGUE PA's to account.
Even the POLICE dont want to know of such CRIMINAL INTENT.
It is a licence to DEFRAUD. The Anology is,the DCC are robbing the bank,the LGO are driving the gettaway car,Exter Auditers are providing an alabi and the POLICE are covering the tracks.
Joe Bloggs picks up the bill via triplicate invocing.

I. W. Wall left an annotation ()

This website tells you all you need to know about the LGO:

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Thank you so much IW WAll for that,most useful tool

Sheila Oliver (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

About the toxic waste dump school in Stockport and the financial anomalies of circa £5 million, I couldn't even get a response from Stockport Council's District Auditor.

As an experiment I asked a question of the Ministry of Defence about the Trident Nuclear Weapons Programme to see if it was easier to get a response about that than about this school. It was!

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

I attempted a similar exercise last year with the Weather Center in Exeter, they refused my FOI request under National Security!!??

Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox, Devon County Council

Dear Ms Oliver,

Thank you for your email below. 

We understand your unsatisfaction at having received no formal response to
your requests from Devon County Council to date.  We therefore will aim to
provide you with repsonses to all your outstanding requests by 13th
January 2012.

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team

Devon County Council
Information Governance
Strategic Intelligence
Services for Communities
Room L10
County Hall
Topsham Road
Tel: 01392 38 4678
Disclaimer: [1]http://www.devon.gov.uk/email.shtml
Applicable to private messages: "Devon County Council accepts no legal
responsibility for the contents of this message. The views expressed do
not reflect those of Devon County Council"

Please be aware that emails may have to be disclosed under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 or the Data Protection Act 1998.

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alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Mrs Oliver, it is now evident the DCC agree with you AND me that your FOI request should not be delayed just because their is an appeal pending my requests.
I dont accept the DCC should delay your request until the 12 th Jan 12 either. But at least you have got your message across and they will look into ALL your FOI requests.
Well done indeed. It pays to be tenacious, especially when dealiung with the DCC

Dear Freedom of Information Office - Mailbox,

Thank you. The Government says we must all become armchair auditors and public authorities should be honest, open and transparent in their dealings. The little people have a duty and the ability, with the Internet, to question where their hard earned money is going. Too many of our public servants seem to believe themselves to be our masters.

Yours sincerely,

Sheila Oliver

M Yelland left an annotation ()

We have a leader (John Hart) we have a deputy leader (John Clatworthy) we have cabinet members who can sign anything without regard to any lawful procedures we have a CEO, a legal department and we have a standards board. None of which are looking after our interests, they are only interested in self gratification but how many others will remember that when the next elections come around?

Sheila Oliver (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

M Yelland

We have Executive Councillors and I swear I hear them baaaaa sometimes. We have a Scrutinity Committee who if they do pop out of their teapot and lay down the law, this is overturned by the Executive Committee - this happened with the toxic waste dump school which has been subject to collapse and is haemorrhaging pupils after just one term - after half a term actually.

I can't get the District Auditor to lift a finger, our Monitoring Officer won't respond, the complaints procedure is completely unnavigable and I don't give up easily. The Ombudsman wants a quite life, as does the Health and Safety Executive. The Information Commission, in my humble opinion and I used to have a high regard for them, needs a very long spoon because it would appear they sup with the Devil.

Still, we little people must fight on. If we fail we can all say we couldn't have tried any harder.


alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

it look as though this FOI request has died a death??!!

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

it look as though this FOI request has died a death??!!

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

I wonder if this FOI request is dead in the water or are the DCC TOO busy.
They might be too busy trying to find the GHOST REQUESTS from me or so I have heard it said?!
Just a thought

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

and STILL the DCc refuse to respond to this particular request
I wonder why that is??

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The Upper Tribunal decision expected on this case in Jan 13,unlucky for some!!??

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The Upper Tribunal decision still not released but hopeful for a Feb arrival

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The UT have released their decision on this Test Case and have decided my original FOIA request was vexatious. Their fill decision can be read at their websirt under GIA/3037/2011 date 28th Jan 13.

I have applied to a higher court of appeal because I suspect serious skullduggery is afoot in this case

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The recent Upper Tribunal decision GIA/3037/2011 Alan M Dransfield v ICO&DCC will soon become a Statutory Law Authority, thus giving ROGUE PA's Nationwide a greenlight to issue VEXATIOUS decisions on a whim.
This piece of Legislation flies in the face out British Law,Natural Justice and Commonsense.
I am appealing the Upper Tribunal decision to the Court of Appeal

alan m dransfield (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

I really do believe that Mrs Sheila Oliver should be reinstated to this wonderful website owing to the latest publication of the Operation Maintenance Manual of the Exeter Chiefs Rugby Bridge which proves without a shadow of doubt the FOIA requests were not vexatious.