Exempt accommodation
Dear Allerdale Borough Council,
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
This request concerns “exempt accommodation”. The UK Parliament defines this as: “Supported housing which is exempt from certain Housing Benefit provisions. It is a sector which houses more marginalised groups with support needs, such as recent prison leavers; care leavers; those fleeing domestic violence; and homeless people with substance dependence or mental health issues.”
I understand that housing benefit for people in “exempt accommodation” is paid by the council directly to landlords.
I would like to request the following information:
(1) Please state how much housing benefit has been paid by the council directly to landlords to provide “exempt accommodation” for those in receipt of the benefits. Please provide the figures for each of the past three financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21), as well as any available data for 2021/22.
(2) Please provide a list of the 20 landlords that have received the highest amount in housing benefit from the council for providing “exempt accommodation” for those in receipt of the benefits. Again, please provide this information for each of the past three financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21) as well as any available data for 2021/22. For each year, please (a) provide the landlord’s full name or company name, (b) state the total amount they received from the council in each year.
I would like to highlight how the Information Commissioner’s Office has previously ruled that this type of information should be disclosed. For example, in 2015, the ICO held that Torbay Council was not entitled to withhold the names of landlords who have directly received the largest amounts of housing benefit. In 2014, the ICO also ruled that Halton Borough Council was wrong to withhold similar information.
I would like to receive the data in an Excel format. If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within a reasonable timeframe, I would be grateful if you could contact me and provide assistance as to how I can refine the request. If you need any clarification, please contact me.
I look forward to receiving a response in 20 working days. Many thanks.
Yours faithfully,
Jenna Corderoy
Allerdale Borough Council
Allerdale House
CA14 3YJ
Telephone: 01900 326333
Dear Ms Jenna Corderoy
Request IAR337
Thank you for your request for information, received on 10/02/2022. For
your information, your request will be handled in accordance with the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
We are currently processing your request and, in accordance with the FOIA,
we will aim to respond to your request no later than 20 working days from
the date of receipt.
Requests made under the FOIA are for information 'held'. Information
created after the date of receipt of your request will not be within the
scope of your request.
Unless you have stated a preference for communication, the information you
have requested will be provided to you in an electronic format. If we are
unable to supply you with the information in the format you have
requested, we will provide an explanation as to why we aren't able to
achieve it.
Please note that where a fee is required for the information request, the
Council will provide you with a fees notice within the 20 day working
period; you will receive this in a separate communication.
If your request relates to information not held by the Council, but we
believe that another public authority holds the information, the Council
will supply you with the name and address of that authority.
If you have any queries regarding your request, please do not hesitate to
contact us, quoting the reference number above in all communications.
Kind regards,
James Dixon
James Dixon | Information Governance and Data Protection OfficerAllerdale
Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJT: 01900
516663 |E: [email address] | W: www.allerdale.gov.uk Making
Allerdale a great place to live, work and visit? Please consider the
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Allerdale Borough Council
Allerdale House
CA14 3YJ
Telephone: 01900 326333
Dear Ms Jenna Corderoy
Request IAR337
I write further to your request for information received on 10/02/2022.
Your request has been given careful consideration under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000; however we have established that the information you
requested is not held by Council.
If you have any queries about this email please do not hesitate to contact
us directly, quoting the reference number listed at the top of this email
in all communications.
If you are unhappy with the Council’s response to your request and wish to
make a complaint please write to us or complete the on-line complaint form
that can be found on our website.
If after going through the Council’s Internal Review process you are still
not satisfied, you can contact the Information Commissioner direct.
Information Commissioner
Helpline: 0303 123 1113
Wycliffe House 01625 545 745
Water Lane [1][email address]
Wilmslow [2]www.ico.org.uk
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Kind regards,
James Dixon
James Dixon | Information Governance and Data Protection OfficerAllerdale
Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJT: 01900
516663 |E: [email address] | W: www.allerdale.gov.uk Making
Allerdale a great place to live, work and visit? Please consider the
environment - do you really need to print this email?
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.ico.org.uk/
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