Exclusion from Best Interest meeting

Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) did not have the information requested.

Dear Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

It has been made clear to me that I, a sibling of a learning disabled adsult have been banned from her Best Interests meeting 5 Sept 2022, where her day care will be discussed, it having been cut immediately without reason on her moving to a care home.

I am entiled as her next of kin/ sibling/ advocate/ vested interest person to attend.

1.Please under FOI, provide all the sources you used to equip yourselves with the power you feel you have, to disqualify me from attending that meeting and relate that if applicable to the reason you have as an organisation to exclude me.

2.Please provide under my right to a DSAR, all of the emails or written communciation which exists between any/ all staff within WHSCT and between WHSCT and 3rd party orgs which relate in any way to discussions and decisons around excluding me from the meeting.

3.Please outline the names of all staff who were included in discussions and decisions around excluding me.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan

FOI Request, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Corrigan

I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request below which was received by the Western Health and Social Care Trust on 5th September 2022.

We apologise for the delay in responding. Please see attached a Trust response to your request.


Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]

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