Exam Time

The request was successful.

Dear University of Oxford,

I would like to learn about how much time your students use while taking examinations. I understand that you have recently rolled out a digital exams platform called "Inspera" (https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/news/2021-...).

For each exam sat by students who were in their final year during Trinity term 2021, please disclose:
(a) Which faculty was responsible for the exam (the title of the exam is not important, to avoid identifying individuals)
(b) The total time allowed (excluding any additional time allowed for specific students)
(c) The total number of students who sat the exam, excluding any students with additional time allowed
(d) Where (c) is greater than 10 (to avoid identifying individuals), the amount of time each student used, excluding any students with additional time allowed

Yours faithfully,

Mr B Howe

FOI, University of Oxford

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Howe

Thank you for your freedom of information request to the University of

Subject to any clarification required, the University will reply to your
request within the statutory deadline of 20 working days, starting from
the day after receipt of your request.

Yours sincerely

Information Compliance Team

Assurance Directorate | University of
cid:image013.jpg@01CD755D.56992DA0 Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square,
Oxford, OX1 2JD


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FOI, University of Oxford

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Howe,

Our reference: FOI/20211018/2

Please find attached the University's response to your request.

Kind regards

Information Compliance Team
Assurance Directorate | University of Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD
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Dear Information Compliance Team,

Thank you for your response. You state that you attached the information that I requested to your email dated 15 November 2021, however the information you attached is different to the information I requested. I requested the amount of time that each (individual) student used on a per-exam basis, but you have provided average times. Please either supply the requested information or state the exemption which you believe applies.

The statutory timeframe for responding to this request expired on 15 November 2021, however I'm willing to wait a further 5 working days (until 5pm on Wednesday 24 November) prior to requesting an internal review.

Yours sincerely,

Mr B Howe

FOI, University of Oxford

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Howe,

Thank you for your email.

The information we provided fulfils the first three questions of your
request. Apologies for not providing you with the full information for the
last question - we have requested this from the relevant department and we
will get back to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Information Compliance Team

Assurance Directorate | University of
cid:image013.jpg@01CD755D.56992DA0 Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square,
Oxford, OX1 2JD


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FOI, University of Oxford

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Howe,

Please find attached the data requested.

Kind regards,

Information Compliance Team

Assurance Directorate | University of
cid:image013.jpg@01CD755D.56992DA0 Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square,
Oxford, OX1 2JD


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From: FOI
Sent: 18 November 2021 11:24
To: Mr B Howe <[FOI #800597 email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Exam Time - FOI/20211018/2

Dear Mr Howe,

Thank you for your email.

The information we provided fulfils the first three questions of your
request. Apologies for not providing you with the full information for the
last question - we have requested this from the relevant department and we
will get back to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Information Compliance Team

Assurance Directorate | University of
cid:image013.jpg@01CD755D.56992DA0 Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square,
Oxford, OX1 2JD


The contents of this email and any attachments may be confidential. If you
are not the intended recipient, please do not copy, print, store or
forward this email or any attachments, but please notify the sender
immediately and then permanently delete the contents.

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