Evidence of the Committee actually still functioning

The request was successful.

Dear Criminal Procedure Rule Committee,

I note from the Committee's webpage
that it has not issued any publications in over three years, nor apart from the appointment of a solicitor to the Committee two months ago is there any other indication of the committee's continued existence.

I require copies of the agenda(s) and minutes of meetings of the Committee during 2017, if any.

Yours faithfully,

Bill Ellson

Solly, Jonathan, Criminal Procedure Rule Committee

8 Attachments

Dear Mr Ellson,

Thank you for your message.

I think you may have consulted a web address that is not maintained by the Ministry of Justice. The page at this address: http://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedu..., and the other pages links to which appear at that address, refer to Committee appointments and to the publication of statutory instruments this past year and in previous years.

I attach copies of the Committee agendas for 2017. Please let me know if there are any matters of particular interest to you.

Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Solly

Jonathan Solly | Criminal Procedure Rule Committee secretariat | Ministry of Justice | 102 Petty France | London | SW1H 9AJ | Tel: 020 3334 4031

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Dear Mr Solly,

Thank you very much for your prompt response.

Item 5, 6 Oct 2017 'Parts 8, 14, 15 & 24: Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association survey CrimPRC(17)64' is of particular interest. I should appreciate a copy of the paper (including any appendices) relating to that item and the complete minutes of the 6 Oct 2017 meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Bill Ellson

Solly, Jonathan, Criminal Procedure Rule Committee

11 Attachments

Dear Mr Ellson,

You are most welcome: attached. What were then 'draft' minutes were approved by the Rule Committee at the next meeting.

The meeting convened by the Committee between defence practitioners, the Director of Public Prosecutions and members of the judiciary, to which that discussion referred, is due to take place on 25th January. You may also be interested in the other material attached, which was discussed at the Committee meeting on 8th December. I have not yet prepared the minutes of that meeting, but my summary for the members of the outcome of that part of their discussion read:

"Agenda item 5 (papers (17)85, (16)57, (15)30 & 50): sanctions for procedural default
Mr Harris reported that defence representatives were due to meet the Legal Aid Agency to discuss the possibility of retaining the proceeds of any unnecessary or improper act, etc. costs order made against the prosecutor in favour of a defendant with legal aid. The Committee agreed to postpone its own further review of sanctions until there had taken place that meeting, and the meeting on 25th January, 2018, at which the service of initial details of the prosecution case, and the disclosure of unused prosecution material, were due to be discussed."

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Solly | Criminal Procedure Rule Committee secretariat | Ministry of Justice | 102 Petty France | London | SW1H 9AJ | Tel: 020 3334 4031

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Dear Mr Solly,

Thank you for your expeditious and comprehensive responses.
Your assistance is much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Bill Ellson