Evidence for statement

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, HM Revenue and Customs should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear HM Revenue and Customs,

HMRC has published a statement on the loan charge. It claims that "Users income on average is twice as much as the average UK taxpayer".

Can the agency please:

1. Indicate how that statistic was arrived at and what independent verification there is for it?

2. Indicate why the level of earnings should have any bearing on whether a tax charge is levied or not?

3. Confirm that is now Government and HMRC policy that those on higher than average earnings should now face different tax charges to those with less income?

4. If statement at 3 above is incorrect, why was the press release authorised unless it is an attempt to sway public opinion

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Graham Webber

foi.team@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk on behalf of FOI Central Team, HM Revenue and Customs

Our ref: FOI2018/02710

Dear Mr Webber,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Acknowledgement

Thank you for your communication of 8th December which has been passed to
HMRC's Freedom of Information Team.

We have allocated the above reference which you should quote if you need
to contact us.

The Team will arrange for a reply to be sent to you which will either
comply with HMRC's obligations under Freedom of Information Act or, if we
think it's an enquiry that we don't need to address under the terms of the
Act, let you know why. If it is the latter we will, if possible, pass it
on to a more appropriate part of the Department for answer.

Yours sincerely

HMRC Freedom of Information Act Team

foi.team@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk on behalf of FOI Team, HM Revenue and Customs

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Webber,

I am writing in response to your request for information, received 8th

Yours sincerely,

HMRC Freedom of Information Team