Eviction from council property
Dear Haringey Borough Council,
I am seeking information on your procedures and reasons for evicting tenants from council property and how this is affected by the tenant’s mental or physical health issues.
You are obliged to rehouse tenants, again how are the conditions which compromise their health addressed when providing new accommodation.
I am particularly interested in those suffering from mental health conditions which may mean they cannot fully engage with the council or comprehend why they have to quit their home.
Yours faithfully,
A Rugen
Dear A Rugen,
Freedom of Information Request: Reference LBH/6420117
I acknowledge your request for information received on 06 July 2017. This
information request will be dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and we will send the response by 03 August 2017.
Yours sincerely,
Nirmla Chumber I Feedback Officer
Homes for Haringey
Broadwater Farm Community Centre I London I N17 6HE
Tel: 0208 489 5611 (option 5)
E: [1][email address]
Dear ComplaintsHFH,
On the 6th July I made a request LBH/6420117 under the FOI for information on eviction procedures.
By law I should have received a prompt reply, within 20 days generally.
I would appreciate a response within the next 7 days
Yours sincerely
A Rugen
Dear A Rugen
Freedom of Information Act Request
Thank you for your email dated 05 July 2017. I am sorry that this response
is one day late. That was due to an administrative error by myself, and I
do apologise for that sincerely.
The information requested is below
· Housing Decisions Panel Policy and Procedure – showing how
eviction is managed in relation to occupants who do not have a right to
remain in the property, taking account of physical or mental health issues
or vulnerability
· Anti-social Behaviour Policy and Procedure – sets out how we
will support perpetrators of anti-social behaviour to help sustain a
tenancy and avoid eviction
· Rent arrears - we do not have any current published procedures
or work Instructions regarding Vulnerable tenants with mental health and
evictions however, I can confirm that we are in the process of drafting a
procedure which should be published in the next few months
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Homes for
Haringey Head of Tenancy Services who put this information together on
0208 489 1256 or email at [1][email address]
If you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your request and wish to
make a complaint, please contact the Feedback and Information Governance
Team as below. (Please note you should do this within two months of
receiving this response.)
Feedback and Information Governance Team
10^th floor, Alex House,
10 Station Road,
N22 7TR
Email: [2][email address]
You may also complain to the Information Commissioner's office, which may
be able to help you. However they would normally expect the local
authority to have undertaken a complaint investigation or Internal Review
of the request before they will accept the referral.
You can contact the Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone help line: 0845 6306060, or 01625 545745
Fax: 01625 545510
Website: [3]www.ico.gov.uk
Yours Truly
Jarrod Markcoons I Feedback Team Leader
Homes for Haringey
Broadwater Farm Community Centre I London I N17 6HE
Tel: 0208 489 5611 (option 5)
E: [email address]
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