Dear Mr Afford,
Please see attached the response to your FOI complaint/Internal Review.
Sirkku Pietikäinen
Dear Mr Carter,
Please find attached my response to your request for a review of FOI ref.
Yours sincerely,
Claire G...
Sent on behalf of Alan Benson
Dear Ms Sivanandan,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/6930917
Thank you for your request for...
Dear Ms Adams
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for informati...
Dear Revd. Nicolson
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for inf...
Dear Ms Adams
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for informati...
Dear Mr Danker
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for informat...
Dear Mr Essex
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for informati...
Dear Ms Flynn
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for informati...
Dear Revd Nicolson
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for info...
Dear Sam,
Thank you for your further enquiry (our reference LBH/9227819) where you asked for the following:
1: Only evaluation or reporting documents...
Dear Ms Adams
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for informati...
Dear Ms Calnan,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/6664117
Thank you for your request for information received on 04 October 2017,...
Dear Ms Warner,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/6384617
Thank you for your request for information received on 28 June 2017, in...
Dear Mr Pottinger,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/6713217
Thank you for your request for information received on 18 Octobe...
Dear Mr Doyle,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/6773517
Thank you for your request for information received on 03 November 2...
Dear Marco Consolaro,
Freedom of Information Request: Reference LBH/6766417
I acknowledge your request for information received on 27 Octob...
[1]haringeyShared Service Centre
Feedback and Information Governance
Mark Rudd, Assistant Director | Shared Services
Dear Mr Jones,
Freedom of Request: Reference LBH/6763017
I acknowledge your request for information received on 30 October 2017.
Dear Neilesh Bahlani,
Freedom of Information Request: Reference LBH/6895617
I acknowledge your request for information received on 11 December...
Dear Ms Adams,
Internal Review regarding Freedom of Information request reference
Thank you for email received on 04 September...
Dear Mr Burnham,
Internal Review regarding Freedom of Information request reference
Thank you for email received on 09 Octobe...
Dear Mr Essex,
Internal Review regarding Freedom of Information request reference
Thank you for email received on 30 October 2...
Dear Mr Burnham,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/6696717
Thank you for your request for information received on 13 October 2017...
Dear Mr Briscoe,
Internal Review regarding Freedom of Information request reference
Thank you for email received on 11 August...