EV charge points

The request was successful.

Dear Coventry City Council,

Central government has set a number of targets to move the UK away from fossil to renewable energy, including transport.

As such I am undertaking a survey to understand how these initiatives are being filtered down via public bodies.

Do you own any electric vehicle charging points which are for the use of members of the public?

Yes or No

Have you gifted to any 3rd party, EV charge points for public use?

Yes or No

Question 2
If yes to question 1, are any of them the old fashioned 3 pin plug type?

Yes or No

Question 3
Budgets permitting, does the authority have any plans to install any public access charging points in the next 24 months?

Yes / No or possibly

Question 4
Accepting the bulk of charging will be at home or the work place for those who do not have off street parking. Does the authority provide EV charging points for staff and visitors?

Yes / No or possibly

Over the next 24 months does the authority have plans to either introduce staff EV charging points or increase the current estate for this type of use?

Yes / No or possibly

Question 5
Does the council have its own fleet of vehicles?

Yes or No

If yes to Q5, are any of them electric or hybrid vehicles?

Yes or No

Question 6
If Q5 the answer was yes, when your current vehicles are due for renewal, will the authority automatically consider “ultra low vehicles” (75g or less of CO2 per kilometre from the tailpipe and are capable of a minimum 10 miles of zero-emission driving) as part of the selection criteria?

Yes or No

As part of the tender process for the supply of external services which will include an element of road transport, either direct or indirectly. Does the authority ensure “ultra low vehicles” will be used by the winning company where ever possible?

Yes or No

Question 7
If a planning authority, does the authority make it a condition for the development of new commercial properties to include the provision of EV charge points?

Yes or No

If no, is this likely to charge within the next 24 months?

Yes or No

If a planning authority, does the authority make it a condition of planning for the development of new private properties with communal parking to include the provision of EV charge points?

Yes or No

If no, is this likely to charge within the next 24 months?

Yes or No

If a planning authority, does the authority make it a condition of planning for the development of new private properties with off street parking to include the provision of EV charge points or at a minimum the provision of the power cable from the consumer unit to the intended parking area?

Yes or No

If no, is this likely to charge within the next 24 months?

Thank you for your support in our research

Yours faithfully,

John West

Freedom of Information Portal,

Dear Sir / Madam

REQ01677 - Freedom of Information Act 2000

Thank you for your Email requesting information under the above
legislation, which we received on 22 August 2016. We will respond to you
within 20 working days of the date of receipt.  If there are any problems
with this request that may delay the response, we will contact you.

For more information, you can view the latest information issued by the
Council on our [1]Disclosure Log, [2]Publication Scheme and [3]Open Data.

Please quote your reference number in any further communications on this

Kind regards,
Information Governance Team

Room 21a, The Council House, Earl Street, Coventry, CV1 5RR
E-mail: [4][Coventry City Council request email]


Visible links
1. http://www.coventry.gov.uk/foieirrequests
2. http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/200031/d...
3. http://www.coventry.gov.uk/opendata
4. mailto:[Coventry City Council request email]

Hammond, Maureen, Coventry City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr West


Please find attached the Council’s response to your freedom of information


Yours sincerely




Maureen Hammond

Business Support Officer

Coventry City Council

Tel:  024 76831201
email [1][email address]



My normal working days are Thursday and Friday



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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.coventry.gov.uk/