European university of tbilisi
Dear General Medical Council,
Can you please confirm if you have any recently registered doctors whom obtained their qualification from European university of Tbilisi?
Also, please let me know if there has been any applicant that have been rejected or any applicants currently awaiting decision.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Reid
Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can with a further acknowledgement.
You’ll usually hear from us on the next working day, but it might take a
little longer during busy periods.
In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website.
Thank you
Information Access team
General Medical Council
Email: [GMC request email]
Dear Michael Reid
Your information request – IR1-3628862291
Thank you for your email dated 23 July 2022, asking for information on the European university of Tbilisi.
How we will consider your request
We’re going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come back to you as soon as we can.
Who to contact
Henna Janghir will be handling your request. If you have any questions you can call them on 0161 923 6710 or email them at [email address].
Yours sincerely
Selen Shah
Information Access Assistant
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Dear Selen Shah
Thank you for acknowledging the request, looking forward to hearing the reply.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Reid
Dear Michael Reid
Your information request – IR1-3628862291
Thank you for your email dated 23 July 2022 requesting information on the European University, Tbilisi. I have considered your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
There are currently no doctors on the medical register that have attained their Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) from the European University in Tbilisi, Georgia. We have also never received any applications from this University.
I hope you find this information useful. If you have any further questions, please contact [GMC request email].
Yours sincerely
Henna Janghir
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW
Email: [email address]
Tel: 0161 923 6710
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