EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive and requesting API from other EU countries
Dear Home Office,
I would like the HO to clarify some details on how it will/plan to implement the EU PNR Directive, as well as current and future plans on requesting API data from other EU countries.
1) Does the UK currently ask for API (advance passenger information - e.g. passenger names, passport details, nationality, as opposed to PNR data) from other EU states in either selected/individual cases, or even on a 'blanket' level - i.e. other EU countries with API systems systematically send all API to the UK? If the former (only requests for selected individuals) is true, please state the situations where the UK will consider requesting API information (For example, when tracking the location of a wanted criminal/absconder, does the UK asks for API data from other EU countries by giving them the known details of that individual?). If the UK does not ask for API data from other EU countries at all, please state so. Lastly, please clarify whether other EU countries send, of their own accord, API data to the UK.
2) Are future plans any different in respect to the question stated in 1)?
3) Does the UK currently ask for PNR data from other EU states in either selected/individual cases, or even on a 'blanket' level - i.e. other EU countries with a PNR system systematically send all PNR to the UK? If the former (selected individuals) is true, please state the situations where the UK will consider requesting PNR information (For example, when tracking the location of a wanted criminal/absconder, does the UK asks for PNR data from other EU countries by giving them the known details of that individual?). (If the UK does not ask for PNR data from other EU countries at all, please state so. Lastly, please clarify whether other EU countries send, of their own accord, PNR data to the UK.
4) Are future plans any different in respect to the question stated in 3)? - Especially in regards to the new EU PNR directive, where all member states will eventually have to implement a PNR system. For example, is the UK planning to make outgoing requests for PNR data, whether systematically or selectively, to other EU states? Again, please indicate the criteria for such requests. Has it received indication that other states will voluntarily send PNR information to the UK?
Yours faithfully,
Alain Durand
Mr. Durand,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 40042). We will aim to send you a full response by 11/07/2016 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
P. Zebedee
FOI Requests
Home Office
Dear Home Office,
To clarify the scope of my request, the journeys (e.g. flights, ferries) that are included in this request are those that do not involve the UK either as a destination, origin, or stopover (since of course the UK will have API/PNR data for journeys that involve the UK) - i.e. it includes only those journeys that either start or end in a non-UK EU state, and where the EU state involved collects API/PNR. Please acknowledge receipt of both the original email and this one, and do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible if you need any further clarification.
Yours faithfully,
Alain Durand
Mr. Durand,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 40043). We will aim to send you a full response by 11/07/2016 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
P. Zebedee
FOI Requests
Home Office
Dear Mr Durand,
Further to below, please can you provide the FOI case reference number that was allocated too your request.
Upon receipt we will provide a further response.
Kind Regards
J. Douglas
Information Management Unit
Performance and Risk Directorate
Dear FOI Requests,
Sorry, I meant to type 40042 - which was assigned to my original request. 40043 was the number assigned (presumably automatically) to my follow-up email despite it not being a request per se.
Yours sincerely,
Alain Durand
Mr. Durand,
Further to your previous email, please be aware that the decision has been taken to amalgamate your requests under one reference number 40042 and you should expect to receive a response within the statutory 20 working day deadline.
Kind regards,
P. Zebedee
Knowledge and Information Management Unit
Performance and Risk Directorate
Home Office | 4th Floor | Seacole | 2 Marsham Street | London SW1P 4DF
Dear FOI Requests,
Re. Ref 40042
I would like to add some questions to my original request.
The EU has signed bilateral agreements with Australia, Canada and the US regarding the sharing of PNR/API data. I have read the documents, but would like the HO to clarify some details for each of the three agreements:
1) Does the UK, either on its national databases or a pan-European database, or another database, have access to any of the API/PNR information shared with the foreign country, or are the agreements simply mechanisms by which carriers which operate flights between the EU and the respective country and/or have databases in the EU (depending on the wording of the agreement with each country) are obliged to transmit the data to an agency of the foreign government (i.e. not that of the EU/UK)?
2) If the UK (either through its own databases or the EU's) has no 'direct' access to the API/PNR data, please could you provide information on how many times it has requested such information from Australia, Canada and the US since 1-1-2015? Please include the offence(s) specified, if available. Please also provide a simple outline of how the UK requests such information.
Yours sincerely,
Alain Durand
Dear FOI Requests,
Re: email dated 15 June sent to the HO, in regards to ref. 40042
Again, my 'update' sent on the 15th of June excludes API/PNR data of passengers on any flights that includes the UK on its itinerary.
Yours sincerely,
Alain Durand
Dear FOI Requests,
Re: Ref. no. 40042
Please also provide data on the number of any such requests made, organising it into type of request (API or PNR) and country(ies) to which the request was sent. Please specify whether in terms of either the EU API or PNR directive, if a request for such information has to be made to a specific member state or if it can be made to all states.
Yours sincerely,
Alain Durand
Mr. Durand,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 40113). We will aim to send you a full response by 18/07/2016 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
FOI Requests
Home Office
Dear FOI Requests,
Due to the number of emails and follow-ups sent to the Home office, a final, compiled version of request 40042 is attached as follows to avoid confusion. Please confirm receipt of this email.
I would like the HO to clarify some details on how the UK shares/receives API/PNR with EU states, as well as with countries that have signed treaties with the EU.
The journeys (e.g. flights, ferries) that are included in this request are those that do not involve the UK either as a destination, origin, or stopover.
1) Does the UK currently ask for API (advance passenger information - e.g. passenger names, passport details, nationality, as opposed to PNR data) from other EU states in either selected/individual cases, or even on a 'blanket' level - i.e. other EU countries with API systems systematically send all API to the UK? If the former (i.e. only requests for selected individuals) is true, please state the situations where the UK will consider requesting API information (For example, when tracking the location of a wanted criminal/absconder, does the UK asks for API data from other EU countries by giving them the known details of that individual?). If the UK does not ask for API data from other EU countries at all, please state so. Lastly, please clarify whether other EU countries send, of their own accord, API data to the UK.
2) Are future plans any different in respect to the question stated in 1)?
3) Does the UK currently ask for PNR data from other EU states in either selected/individual cases, or even on a 'blanket' level - i.e. other EU countries with a PNR system systematically send all PNR to the UK? If the former (selected individuals) is true, please state the situations where the UK will consider requesting PNR information (For example, when tracking the location of a wanted criminal/absconder, does the UK asks for PNR data from other EU countries by giving them the known details of that individual?). (If the UK does not ask for PNR data from other EU countries at all, please state so. Lastly, please clarify whether other EU countries send, of their own accord, PNR data to the UK.
4) Are future plans any different in respect to the question stated in 3)? - Especially in regards to the new EU PNR directive, where all member states will eventually have to implement a PNR system. For example, is the UK planning to make outgoing requests for PNR data, whether systematically or selectively, to other EU states? Please indicate the criteria for such requests and when they will be made. Has it received indication that other states will voluntarily send PNR information to the UK?
Please also provide data on the number of all relevant requests made/received, and organise it into: whether it was sent or received by the UK, data involved (API and/or PNR) and country(ies) involved (if to/from all EU states please simply state 'EU').
The EU has signed bilateral agreements with Australia, Canada and the US regarding the sharing of PNR/API data. I have read the documents, but would like the HO to clarify some details for each of the three agreements:
5) Does the UK, either on its national databases or a pan-European database, or another database, have access to any of the API/PNR information shared with the foreign country, or are the agreements simply mechanisms by which carriers which operate flights between the EU and the respective country and/or have databases in the EU (depending on the wording of the agreement with each country) are obliged to transmit the data to an agency of the foreign government (i.e. not that of the EU/UK)?
6) If the UK (either through its own databases or the EU's) has no 'direct' access to the API/PNR data, please could you provide information on how many times it has requested such information from Australia, Canada and the US since 1-1-2015? Please include the offence(s) specified, if available. Please also provide a simple outline of how the UK requests such information.
Yours faithfully,
Alain Durand
Dear Mr Durand
Please find enclosed response to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
Dear Home Office,
Regarding FOI request 40042:
I am unable to locate the document (from the Dutch) that you state is attached to your response. Please re-send the document.
Yours faithfully,
Alain Durand
Dear Mr Durand
Thank you for your email of 16 July.
Please now find enclosed the document from the Dutch.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
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