EU Funding
Dear Amber Valley Borough Council,
How much EU funding have you received?
Please provide annual figures.
Yours faithfully,
[Name Removed]
Dear [name removed]
Please see attached.
Joan Jones | Civic Links & FOI Officer
Amber Valley Borough Council
Financial Services Directorate | Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley,
Derbyshire, DE5 3BT
Email: [1][email address] | Telephone: 01773 841601 |
Making a Difference for Amber Valley
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Dear [name removed]
Please see the attached response to your request.
Joan Jones | Civic Links & FOI Officer
Amber Valley Borough Council
Financial Services Directorate | Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley,
Derbyshire, DE5 3BT
Email: [1][email address] | Telephone: 01773 841601 |
Making a Difference for Amber Valley
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notify the sender by return, destroying the email without disclosing or
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both sent and received emails. The attachments are opened at your own
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