EU Cohesion Funding data

South East England Development Agency did not have the information requested.

Jonathan Gray

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a regional body disbursing EU funds you are subject to Article 53b §2 d) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) N°1605/2002 and Article 7 §2 d) of the Commission Implementing Regulation No 1828/2006.

Please can I have a copy of the spreadsheet (e.g. in Excel format, ...) that I can use for accountancy analysis containing all beneficiaries of funding from the EU Cohesion programme sent to me by email.

Many thanks for your time.

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan Gray

FOI, South East England Development Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gray

Please find a letter attached acknowledging your Freedom of Information
request to the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA).

Kind regards

Gerry Price

Information Manager
South East England Development Agency (SEEDA)
Cross Lanes
Guildford, GU1 1YA

Tel: ++ 44 (0) 1483 500 778
Switchboard: ++ (0) 1483 484 200
Email: [1][South East England Regional Development Agency request email]

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FOI, South East England Development Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gray

Please find attached SEEDA's response to your Freedom of Information

Paul Lovejoy

Executive Director of Strategy & Communications


Cross Lanes




Tel: 01483 484223

Fax: 01483 577874

Email: [email address]

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