EU Cohesion Funding data
Dear Sir or Madam,
As a regional body disbursing EU funds you are subject to Article 53b §2 d) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) N°1605/2002 and Article 7 §2 d) of the Commission Implementing Regulation No 1828/2006.
Please can I have a copy of the spreadsheet (e.g. in Excel format, ...) that I can use for accountancy analysis containing all beneficiaries of funding from the EU Cohesion programme sent to me by email.
Many thanks for your time.
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Gray
Dear Jonathan
Thank you for your request received 6 May 2009 to all RDAs.
I would like to request clarification on your request as lead RDA for FOI on behalf of all RDAs. Please note that European Funding streams include ERDF, ESF and the Cohesion Fund. Could you confirm whether you are referring to all 3 streams or purely the Cohesion Fund?
Kind regards
Dear Mr Gray
Thank you for your request of 6 May 2009, in which you made a request for
information relating to the beneficiaries of funding from the EU Cohesion
programme, as set out below:
Please can I have a copy of the spreadsheet (e.g. in Excel format,
...) that I can use for accountancy analysis containing all
beneficiaries of funding from the EU Cohesion programme sent to me
by email.
One NorthEast currently administers ERDF funding only. The EU Cohesion
Programme that you mention comprises the Cohesion Fund and the European
Structural Fund. The UK and the Agency is not eligible to receive funding
from the Cohesion Fund and therefore we hold no information relating to
this. Details of our beneficiaries of ERDF are available on our website
This is continually updated - please keep visiting the website if you are
interested in this aspect of our business.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further
information, or would like to discuss this response.
The information we have supplied to you may contain intellectual property
rights of the RDAs or their licensors. Your use of the information must
be strictly in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
(as amended), or other applicable legislation. In particular, you must
not re-use this information for any commercial purpose. If you would like
to re-use this information for any commercial purpose you must make a
formal request to us under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information
Regulations 2005. You can find details of this on our website at
How to Complain
If you are unhappy with our decision or do not consider that we have
handled your request properly and we are unable to resolve this issue
informally, you are entitled to make a formal complaint to us under our
complaints procedure. You can obtain a copy of our complaints form,
policy and procedure from:
Head of Legal Services
Legal Services
Stella House
Goldcrest Way
Newburn Riverside
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 8NY
Alternatively, you can complete the form online at
If you are still unhappy after we have investigated your complaint and
reported to you the outcome, you may complain directly to the Information
Commissioner's Office and request that it issue a 'decision notice' to
ascertain whether we have dealt with your request in accordance with the
The Information Commissioner's Office can be contacted at Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or via the website at
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
FOI and DPA Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One NorthEast
Stella House
Goldcrest Way
Newburn Riverside
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 8NY
Tel: (+44) 191 229 6817
Fax: (+44) 191 229 6201
To see one of the ways in which One North East is helping regional
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3. file:///tmp/outbind:/351/
4. file:///tmp/outbind:/351/
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