Ethnicities of Taxi Drivers in Birmingham
Dear West Midlands Combined Authority,
Please could I have the ethnicities of all taxi drivers in Birmingham currently.
Yours faithfully,
Arub Syed
Dear Mr Syed
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request received on 27^th March
The West Midlands Combined Authority does not hold the information that
you have requested. In an effort to assist we would suggest that your
request is redirected to Birmingham City Council.
Please find link below –
If you have a complaint about the way in which your request for
information has been dealt with you should write to Tim Martin, Head of
Governance at the address below. He will undertake a full re-evaluation of
your case.
If, following review of the matter by the Head of Governance, you remain
dissatisfied with the handling of your request you have the right under
section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to apply directly to the
Information Commissioner for a decision.
Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you
have exhausted our complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner can
be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Fazila Nawaz
Governance Coordinator
Direct Dial: 0121 214 7201
Email: [email address]
Building a more prosperous West Midlands
16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD
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