Ethnic monitoring of Gypsies and Travellers

The request was successful.

Matthew Brindley

Dear Suffolk Primary Care Trust (PCT),

Under FOI legislation, could you please provide me with all ethnic monitoring data you have on Gypsies and Travellers health and well being, service use and staff in your PCT?

Could you also provide information detailing whether Gypsies and Travellers are monitored as standard policy in the PCT?

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Brindley

Macbride Pam (5PT) Suffolk PCT, Suffolk Primary Care Trust (PCT)

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Brindley

Freedom of Information Act


I write further to your e-mail of 2^nd April regarding information held by
NHS Suffolk. Your request has been dealt with in accordance with the
Trust’s Freedom of Information Act 2000 procedures.

In response to your enquiry re all ethnic monitoring data on Gypsies and
Travellers health and wellbeing, service use and staff in your PCT,
Suffolk Community Healthcare complies with the national NHS ethnic
categories set up in 2001, which is based on 16 + 1 categories.  I’ve
listed the NHS data dictionary definitions below and as you can see
Gypsies and Travellers are not identifiable within these groupings.

A       British
B       Irish  
C       Any other White background     
D       White and Black Caribbean      
E       White and Black African
F       White and Asian
G       Any other mixed background     
Asian or Asian British 
H       Indian 
J       Pakistani      
K       Bangladeshi    
L       Any other Asian background     
Black or Black British 
M       Caribbean      
N       African
P       Any other Black background     
Other Ethnic Groups    
R       Chinese
S       Any other ethnic group 
Z       Not stated     

The only information we have are contained in the attached two reports:

* P34 – NHS Suffolk Enhanced Diversity profile.

<<1699 - diversity toolkit.pdf>>

* Gypsy and Travelers’ Health Needs Assessment

<<1699 - health needs assessment.doc>>

If you require further information about your request, please contact me
at the address below.


Please bear in mind that this information is subject to The Suffolk
Primary Care Trust’s copyright unless otherwise indicated.  Unless
expressly indicated on the material to the contrary, it may be reproduced
free of charge in any format or medium, provided it is reproduced
accurately and not used in a misleading manner.  If you re-publish or copy
the information to others, you must identify the source of the material
and acknowledge the copyright status.  Permission to reproduce material
does not extend to any material that is the copyright of third parties.  
You must obtain authorisation to reproduce such material from the
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copyright issues, see the HMSO web site: at

Or contact:


HMSO Licensing Division

St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate

Norwich, NR3 1BQ

Tel: 01603 621000

E-mail: [2][email address]


If you have a complaint about the way your request has been handled,
please write to me at the address shown below. A copy of our complaints
procedure is available on request.  If you remain dissatisfied with the
handling of your request after exhausting our complaints procedure, please
contact the Information Commissioner with details of your complaint:


Website:     [3]     

Address:     Information Commissioner's Office

      Wycliffe House

                   Water Lane


                   Cheshire SK9 5AF

[4]Tel:             01625 545745

Fax:            01625 524510


I hope that we have been able to answer your enquiry to your satisfaction
and that you find the information provided useful.


Yours sincerely

Pam MacBride,

Governance and Committee Officer, Corporate Directorate | 01473 770287 |
NHS Suffolk | [5][email address] |Suffolk Primary Care
Trust, Rushbrook House, Paper Mill Lane, Bramford, Ipswich, IP8 4DE

Please note all visitors are requested to park in the [6]free farm car
park across the road, provided by NHS Suffolk. We would encourage visitors
to car share whenever possible.

P Before printing, think about the environment

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