ET Costs

The request was successful.

Dear Weymouth & Portland Borough Council

I would like to know how much the Council has spent outsourcing to either Barristers Chambers or Solicitors at Employment Tribunals for all Council Staff (including Teaching Staff). Any combination of those below, between 1st August 2000 and the 31 October 2010:

1) For constructive dismissal

2) Unfair dismissal

3) One (or more) of the various discrimination claims and/or under the Protection from Harassment Act

4) Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

5) Any other Employment issues, I may have omitted.

Please name the Solicitors/Barristers that the Council have outsourced to: For example, 2010 Number (which is the cost spent) Name (Name of Solicitor/Barrister). Please provide the figures in the following format e.g. 2006 – NUMBER HERE AND SOLICITOR OR BARRISTERS NAME HERE; 2007 – NUMBER HERE AND SOLICITOR OR BARRISTERS NAME HERE; 2008 – NUMBER HERE AND SOLICITORS OR BARRISTERS NAME HERE ; 2010 – NUMBER HERE AND SOLICITORS OR BARRISTERS NAME HERE; etc, thus making it easier for one to read and to ensure there is no misunderstandings.

I would request that you include VAT in the figures. Not a before and after VAT, a figure which included total cost including VAT.

Please also send this information as "calendar years" not financial years.

Please note that I do not seek or require any personal information such as names and addresses – only the total figures and name of the law firms whom the Council outsourced too.

I would ask that you remember the statutory duty imposed upon public authorities by virtue of Section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act to provide advice and assistance to requesters. If for any reason you are leaning toward rejecting any part of this request or if you plan to argue that it is unmanageable or unanswerable in any way then I would expect you to contact me promptly to find ways to answer this request to our mutual Satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Weymouth & Portland Borough Council,

I must apologise there was slight technical glitch when I first registered which omitted my name. This has now been rectified by the have you say team, who have been extremely helpful in resolving this issue.
I look forward to receiving the correct information from you.

Yours faithfully,

V Gray

Joanne Woodall, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr/Ms Gray,

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgement letter attached.

Many thanks,

Jo Woodall
Team Leader - Customer Focus
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8TA
01305 838000

Weymouth & Portland -
Sailing venue for the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games

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Dear Joanne Woodall,

Thank you for your message. I look forward to receiving the correct information.

Yours sincerely,

V Gray

Joanne Woodall, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr/Ms Gray,

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached.

If you require any further assistance, please let me know,

Many thanks,

Jo Woodall
Team Leader - Customer Focus
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8TA
01305 838000

Weymouth & Portland -
Sailing venue for the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games

show quoted sections

Dear Joanne Woodall,
Thank you for providing the correct information and for your prompt response.

Kindest Regards,

V Gray