Establishment and vacancies
Dear East Riding of Yorkshire Council,
I would like to make this request under the provisions of the relevant Freedom of Information legislation.
a. How many established posts are there within the organisation (total posts including filled and vacant)?
b. How many posts are currently vacant?
c. Please provide a list of all job titles within the organisation.
Yours faithfully,
Adrian Kurt
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Freedom of Information and the Coronavirus (COVID -19):
The Information Commissioner recognises the unprecedented challenges
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Dear Mr Kurt
Further to your recent request for access to information, please see the
attached letter.
Kind Regards,
Information Governance and Feedback
Tel: (01482) 391512
Web: [1]
Twitter: [2]
Facebook: [3]
Please note: You may receive emails from me outside normal working hours.
I do not expect you to either read or respond to these outside of your
working hours unless you choose to do so. Work life balance is important!
Visible links
Dear Mr Kurt
Further to your recent request for access to information within the
Freedom of Information Act, please see the attached letter.
Kind regards,
Information Governance and Feedback
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