ERP Systems Information

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel,

Could you please respond to the following questions?
1. Who is you current provider of Financial Systems support and implementation services?
2. When does the contract expire?
3. Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your financials systems?
4. Who is you current provider of Procurement Systems support and implementation services?
5. When does the contract expire?
6. Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your procurement systems?
7. Who is you current provider of Human Resources Systems support and implementation services?
8. When does the contract expire?
9. Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your HRMS systems?
10. Where do you advertise any Oracle procurement opportunities?
11. Who should I contact if I wish to supply Programme/Project Management services to your organisation?


Khalil Rehman

Yours faithfully,

Khalil Rehman