ERP Systems

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, The National Lottery Community Fund should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Maryjane Collins

Dear Big Lottery Fund,

o What Applications are you running for:
o Finance?
o HR?
o Payroll?
o Project?
o CRM?
o Manufacturing?
o Sourcing?
o Invoice Scanning Tool?
o Are you using Config Snapshot?
o What BI Tool are you using?

o What versions of the above Applications are you running?
o When was your last Application upgrade?
o Are you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months?
o Do you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who?
o Do you have an SAP support partner for applications? If so who?
o What kind of support is included in the contract/s (functional/technical/etc.?)
o What is the value of the SAP application support contract and when does it end?
o What is the value of the Oracle application support contract and when does it end?
o When does the SAP and/or Oracle contracts expire?
o Are you running any Oracle Databases, if so what versions are you running?
o Are you running any SAP Databases if so what versions are you running?
o What applications are being run on these Databases?
o Are you planning another Database upgrade in the next 12-18 months?
o Do you have an Oracle support partner for Databases? If so who?
o Do you have an SAP support partner for Databases? If so who?
o What is the value of the database support contract for SAP and when does it expire?
o What is the value of the database support contract for Oracle and when does it expire?
o Where are the databases held? Hosted, onsite/offsite?
o If not, how many in-house DBAs do you have?
o Where do you advertise any Oracle and/or SAP procurement opportunities?
o Who is responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle and/or SAP estate?
o Who is responsible for looking after the licenses for the Oracle and/or SAP estate?
o How much do you pay annually for Oracle Support & Maintenance and when does it renew?
o How much do you pay annually for SAP Support & Maintenance and when does it renew?
o Do you work with off-shore partners?

Yours faithfully,

Maryjane Collins

Big Lottery Fund - Freedom of Information,

Dear Maryjane,

Thank you for your email in which you have requested information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

We are required to respond to your request within 20 working days. You can therefore expect to receive a response by 8 May 2017 though we will endeavour to respond before then. Your reference number is FOI008-0004

As you have requested information relating to a third party, we will consult to reach a view on whether the information can be released.

Kind Regards

Information Requests Team
E-mail: [Big Lottery Fund request email]
Big Lottery Fund
2 St James Gate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4BE

show quoted sections

Big Lottery Fund - Freedom of Information,

2 Attachments

Dear Maryjane


Please find attached an update regarding your FOIA request. Your reference
number is FOI008-0004.


Kind regards


Information Requests Team

E-mail: [1][Big Lottery Fund request email]

Big Lottery Fund

2 St James Gate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4BE






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Big Lottery Fund - Freedom of Information,

7 Attachments

Dear Maryjane


Please find attached our response to your FOIA request. Your reference
number is FOI008-0004.


Kind regards


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