Ernst & Young Audits of the Horizon operating system 1999/2004/2005
Dear Post Office Limited,
It has been highlighted in the current Horizon IT Inquiry ( during the evidence session of D Miller), that you (POL) , had an external audit of the Horizon operating system and the reliability of it’s cash account systems undertaken by Ernst & Young your chosen external third party.
In 1999 around 320 branches were included from a population of around 12000 and in 2004 one branch was analysed as was the case in 2005.
Please could you provide the terms of reference applied in each of the three examples as well as the total cost for Ernst & Young to carry out this work in each year.
Please also provide the rationale for the choice of each of the branches selected in 2004 and 2005.
Yours faithfully,
R Stamp
Our ref: FOI2024/00626
Dear R. Stamp,
Thank you for your request for information which was received on 17th
April. Your request is being considered under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
The Act requires that a response must be given promptly, and in any event
within 20 working days. We will therefore reply at the latest by 16th May.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street,
Dear R. Stamp,
We are writing in respect of your information request, FOI2024/00626. At
present, our view is that your request falls within the scope of the
qualified exemption at section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act ("
FOIA"), relating to information whose disclosure would, or would be likely
to, prejudice the commercial interests of any legal person (an individual,
a company, the public authority itself or any other legal entity).
As permitted by section 10 of the FOIA, Post Office Limited (" Post
Office") requires further time to consider the public interest test in
relation to this exemption. An extension is permitted until such time as
is reasonable in the circumstances. Having considered the FOIA Code of
Practice, Post Office considers that an extension of 20 working days is
appropriate in this instance and will therefore aim to respond to you by
14th June.
Kind regards,
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street
[1][email address]
Post Office Limited is committed to protecting your privacy, information
about how we do this can be found on our website at
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1. mailto:[email address]
Dear [email address],
The response to my request regarding E&Y audits of Horizon is not unexpected.
I would like to seek a review of your delay and failing that ask that you make a decision to allow a referral to the
appropriate body.
Yours sincerely,
R Stamp
Dear [email address],
You have not replied to my last message following up your deliberate attempt to delay this information becoming public due probably to the current Inquiry.
I ask that you respond to my request immediately either providing the details of as is most likely declining my request.
Yours sincerely,
R Stamp
Dear Post Office Limited,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Post Office Limited's handling of my FOI request 'Ernst & Young Audits of the Horizon operating system 1999/2004/2005'.
You have missed all deadlines imposed upon you and have failed to take this request seriously.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
R Stamp
Dear R. Stamp,
Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street,
Dear Post Office Limited,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Post Office Limited's handling of my FOI request 'Ernst & Young Audits of the Horizon operating system 1999/2004/2005'.
Your original response does not mention whatsoever the barriers you potentially face in obtaining the information. ( May 2024)
I do not believe this makes the information requested fall outside of the request and I ask for an internal review to take place immediately and within the timeframe laid out to you in the agreed FOI process.
Your inability to respond in a reasonable timeframe and now this as before unannounced difficulty belies your desire not to disclose this information.
I shall be complaining once again to the appropriate authorities.
As part of the Royal Mail group you have previously supplied information pre 2012 in other requests when made by individuals .
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
R Stamp
Dear R. Stamp,
Thank you for contacting us with your request for an internal review.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (our ref: IR2024/01033).
If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street,
Dear [email address],
On reflection your ‘advice’ to contact Royal Mail is I find disingenuous as , as you are very aware this organisation is not subject to the same FOI procedural requirements as yourselves.
Yours sincerely,
R Stamp
Dear [email address],
Good afternoon.
Please could you update me with progress made on this review if any.
Yours sincerely,
R Stamp
Dear [email address],
It has now been 17 days since the commencement of your internal review process.
Would you kindly let me know the anticipated timescale for your review to take place.
I will be writing to the Ombudsman at day 25. (12/8/24)
Yours sincerely,
R Stamp
Dear R Stamp,
Thank you for your email. Our sincerest apologies for time it is taking to carry out the internal review you have requested. We are looking into this matter and want to be thorough with our review prior to responding. Our response should be with you by the 30th of August 2024.
Kind regards
Dear information.rights,
In your last communication you stated that you hoped you would have given a final response by 30/08/24.
I have not received any further communication from you and would ask what timescale you now expect a response to be made by Post Office Ltd.
Yours sincerely,
R Stamp
Dear R Stamp,
Thank you for your email. Our sincerest apologies for the time it is taking to carry out the internal review you have requested. We are currently carrying out the review and hope to provide a response by 13th September 2024.
Kind regards
Dear R Stamp,
Thank you again for your patience. We are still carrying out your internal review and hope to have a response to you by 30 September 2024. We still need a bit more time to finish carrying out the review.
Kind regards
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