Equality stats

Oysterman made this Freedom of Information request to Borders College This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear Borders College,

I hear by request the following information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) 2002. 

A) How much money does the collage have at it's disposal at the beginning of the latest fiscal year ? How much money did the council have at it's disposal at the beginning of the last fiscal year ?

B) How much of this money has been derived from council or other government money ? 

C) How much has since been spent since the beginning of the latest fiscal year ? How much was spent in total during the last fiscal year ?

D) How much of the money spent during both the last and the latest fiscal year has been spent on funding disabled learning/learning support for disabled persons within the collage ? Specifically adult learning courses ?

E) How much money do the government/council/other sources allocate to the collage for the spending on disabled learning/disabled learners. Both at the latest and last fiscal year ?

F) How many person are currently studying at the collage ? Both at the beginning of the latest fiscal year and the last ?

G) How many of these persons are/were (specified at F) 1.Transgender 2.Gay,lesbian,bisexual 3.Learning disabled.

H) How many complaints of disabled/learning disabled discrimination by employees/employers towards students/others have been reported by persons to the collage, Between 2002 - 2012.

I) How many complaints of homophobic/transphobic/lesbophobic/biphobic discrimination by employees/employers towards students/others have been reported by persons to the collage, Between 2002 - 2012 ? 

Thank you,


Enquiries, Borders College

Thank you for your email. It will be passed to the appropriate
department / person for action.

Student Advice Team
Borders College

show quoted sections

Dear Borders College,

I hear by request the following information under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) 2002.

A) How much money does the collage have at it's disposal at the
beginning of the latest fiscal year ? How much money did the
council have at it's disposal at the beginning of the last fiscal
year ?

B) How much of this money has been derived from council or other
government money ?

C) How much has since been spent since the beginning of the latest
fiscal year ? How much was spent in total during the last fiscal
year ?

D) How much of the money spent during both the last and the latest
fiscal year has been spent on funding disabled learning/learning
support for disabled persons within the collage ? Specifically
adult learning courses ?

E) How much money do the government/council/other sources allocate
to the collage for the spending on disabled learning/disabled
learners. Both at the latest and last fiscal year ?

F) How many person are currently studying at the collage ? Both at
the beginning of the latest fiscal year and the last ?

G) How many of these persons are/were (specified at F)
1.Transgender 2.Gay,lesbian,bisexual 3.Learning disabled.

H) How many complaints of disabled/learning disabled discrimination
by employees/employers towards students/others have been reported
by persons to the collage, Between 2002 - 2012.

I) How many complaints of
homophobic/transphobic/lesbophobic/biphobic discrimination by
employees/employers towards students/others have been reported by
persons to the collage, Between 2002 - 2012 ?

Thank you,



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[FOI #130460 email]

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Borders College, Charity Number SC021180

DKILLEAN, Borders College

Dear Oysterman,
In response to your freedom of information request questions a) to i)
A) How much money does the collage have at it's disposal at the
     beginning of the latest fiscal year ? How much money did the
     council have at it's disposal at the beginning of the last fiscal
     year ?
     B) How much of this money has been derived from council or other
     government money ?
     C) How much has since been spent since the beginning of the latest
     fiscal year ? How much was spent in total during the last fiscal
     year ?
Information on College funding is otherwise accessible from the Scottish
Funding Council.  They publish circulars annually detailing the funding of
all colleges.  To help you find this information I have included a link to
the circulars area of their website.
The information for 2012/13 funding can be found on the first page of SFC
circulars.  The link to this document directly is:
The College publishes its accounts annually.  The last three years of
accounts are available on our website at
The figures for 2011-12 are still being finalised and are subject to
change until audit is complete.  They will then be published on the
website once approved by parliament. Publication is usually in January of
each year. Our Annual Accounts must go through Scottish Parliament before
we are allowed to make them available to the public.
Spending for the current year is not yet available and is subject to
change but will be publish within our accounts in due course.
The above points covers you requests A-C
D - How much of the money spent during both the last and the latest
     fiscal year has been spent on funding disabled learning/learning
     support for disabled persons within the collage ? Specifically
     adult learning courses ?
The College does not allocate a specific amount of funding to support
disabled people on particular courses or types of courses.  The College
operates a referral system where students or staff can refer someone who
has need of additional support.  This is called extended learning
support.  Adult learning courses can access this type of support for its
learners.  We publish all our responses to FOIA requests on our website. 
If you look at request 95 the response will provide you with further
details about this subject.
E - How much money do the government/council/other sources allocate
     to the collage for the spending on disabled learning/disabled
     learners. Both at the latest and last fiscal year ?
The Scottish Funding Council teaching allocation is a single allocation
with no part of it ring-fenced for disability.  The College uses the grant
to provide programmes for students and support their learning needs.  The
learning support service is needs led.
F - How many person are currently studying at the collage ? Both at
     the beginning of the latest fiscal year and the last ?
The College collects enrolment data for the full year.  Course start at
different times so there is no set start date.  The total enrolments for
2011/12 were 5513, Total enrolment 2012/13 are 2883 to date.
G - How many of these persons are/were (specified at F)
     1.Transgender 2.Gay,lesbian,bisexual 3.Learning disabled.
We don't collect data on students LGBT status.  We had 167 learners
receiving some form of extended learning support.
H - How many complaints of disabled/learning disabled discrimination
     by employees/employers towards students/others have been reported
     by persons to the collage, Between 2002 - 2012.
We hold records of complaints from 2010 onwards
 Complaints relating to disability
2010 (no complaints) 2011 (4 complaints) 2012 (2 complaints to date)
I - How many complaints of
     homophobic/transphobic/lesbophobic/biphobic discrimination by
     employees/employers towards students/others have been reported by
     persons to the collage, Between 2002 - 2012 ?
We have no complaints relating to LGBT issues for the same period (2010 -
I hope this helps you with your enquiry.
Yours sincerely
David Killean
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile  07805 436460
E-mail [4][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments

Borders College, Charity Number SC021180

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. http://www.sfc.ac.uk/news_events_circula...
2. http://www.sfc.ac.uk/news_events_circula...
3. http://www.borderscollege.ac.uk/college-...
4. mailto:[email address]

Dear Dkillean,

I ask that this FOIS request be internally reviewed.

Unfortunately, the response is inappropriate for a charity that receives over £13,000,000 in public money and I feel it dose not cover the questions A-C clearly. The information provided is alleged to be filed at another website. My FOIS request was made not to the SFC, especially not to there press realises section, but to the collage that should be fully accountable to the people of Scotland.

Therefore; I would ask that the collage spend some of the public’s 13 million pounds it enjoys in compiling a more appropriate response more in harmony with the spirit of the act. I would ask that the collage supply a full break down, that is both clear and legible to the public of the money they receive from all sources within the fiscal years specified.

I note that the audit for 12/13 fiscal year is still to be finalised and passed by parliament.

I note that the collage stated ‘ The College does not allocate a specific amount of funding to support disabled people on particular courses or types of courses.’ Ok, so the collage seems have no anticipatory plan for the disabled other than what happens at the time, so it is a case by case referral system. This is disappointing, coloured paper just wont do and therefore I would ask:

I) Can a disabled learner refer themselves for support ?

II) In regards students or staff members who refer another, do the collage hold it imperative that the person who refers the disabled learner has sufficient registered qualifications to detect and manage the needs of the learning support needy ?

III) Who makes the final decision on behalf of the disabled learner ? What qualifications relevant to the disabled persons needs, is the decision maker required to have by law ?

IV) Is there an appeals process for the learner if the decision is made not to apply/access funding ?

V) Is there an opportunity for the disabled learner to have representation when communicating there needs to the collage ?

VI) How many referrals were made between 2008 - 2012.

VII) How many of these were accepted and used to access support/support funding ?

VIII) How much in total has it cost the collage to support the learning disabled from the 2010-2011 fiscal year ?

I note that the questions are not just about adult learners but all learners within the collage during the time period specified in the original request, please supply statistics for all learners.

I note that my request is not request No.95 but a new request different in its on right and I would ask the collage use due process and answer it relevant to its own merits.

For question E, I would ask the collage to review the question in light of the fact that I not only asked what government sources gave but what other sources are giving funding to the collage for disability learning advancement

I would ask that question F be reviewed bearing in mind that there is or should be a specified start and end date for courses that took place at the last fiscal year.

I would ask the collage review questions G urgently as I and about 32 others of which some I can cite to court if need be were asked our orientation and sexual identity upon entry into an English higher adult learning course, we were told we MUST fill in the intrusive questioner that was given to us in 2010/11. So if the answer given in G is correct, then I will need to fast track this to the Data Protection Commissioner as well as asking parliament some important questions.

In regards question H, I note the collage has received between 2011-2012 a total of 6 complaints.

Please review this request and answer the new questions specified i) - viii) within the time, limits and specification of our majesty’s freedom of information (Scotland) act of 2002.

Please also note to refer to me at all times as Oysterman, and not my name as this breaches my data protection rights of which I have not relinquished.

Thank you,



Please note that the collage have not supplied the internal review requested for this legal request within the timescale (20 days) considered reasonable.

I will allow the collage 72 hours from today’s day to complete the review failing which I will refer this case to HM Information Commissioner for Scotland.

Thank you.


DKILLEAN, Borders College

Dear Oysterman
Mr Killean is currently on annual leave - as his secretary I have been
intercepting his emails.  Please be assured that Mr Killean will deal with
your enquiry on his return to work on Monday 22 October.  In the meantime
it would be useful if you would clarify which information you believe you
have not been provided with.
Kind regards
Sheila McColm
Principal's secretary
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality & Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mob. 07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Save Paper!!
Be Green, Read On Screen

Borders College, Charity Number SC021180

>>> Oysterman <[FOI #130460 email]> 17 October 2012
03:27 >>>
     Dear DKILLEAN,
     Please note that the collage have not supplied the internal review
     requested for this legal request within the timescale (20 days)
     considered reasonable.
     I will allow the collage 72 hours from today’s day to complete the
     review failing which I will refer this case to HM Information
     Commissioner for Scotland.
     Thank you.

show quoted sections

Dear Borders Collage,

The collage are waiting over the statutory time limit to allow Mr.Killean to review the FOIS response he himself supplied ?

Yours sincerely,



Please note I can only allow a final 72 hours from today for a response to my FOIS request, after which I will unfortunately have no other option but to take recourse to HM Freedom of Information Commissioner for Scotland, for his enforcement.



DKILLEAN, Borders College


In response to your concerns about my reply to your previous
request: - The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Section 25(1)
states "Information which the applicant can reasonably obtain other than
by requesting it under section 1(1) is exempt information."  I was
reasonable in pointing you to where this information is accessible to the


In response to this further FOI included within the email.  The answer to
each question is shown in bold below.  I await a response to your eighth
item but will forward this to you tomorrow.


I) Can a disabled learner refer themselves for support?


     II) In regards students or staff members who refer another, do the
     collage hold it imperative that the person who refers the disabled
     learner has sufficient registered qualifications to detect and
     manage the needs of the learning support needy ?

The person making a referral for assessment for Extended Learning Support
(ELS) at Borders College does not need to be qualified.    


     III) Who makes the final decision on behalf of the disabled learner
     ? What qualifications relevant to the disabled persons needs, is
     the decision maker required to have by law ?

An assessment of need is carried out by qualified ELS staff in discussion
with the student, taking in to consideration any existing evidence of need
or disability and in consultation with relevant professionally qualified

     IV) Is there an appeals process for the learner if the decision is
     made not to apply/access funding ?

Borders College ELS students do not have direct access to funding.
On-going support for ELS students is funded based on evidence of the
amount of need and support given.

     V) Is there an opportunity for the disabled learner to have
     representation when communicating there needs to the collage ?


     VI) How many referrals were made between 2008 - 2012.


|  |Number of referrals |Number of ELS students who |
| | |received on-going support |
|2008 – 2009|Not available |140 |
| | | |
|  | | |
|2009 - 2010|Not available |143 |
| | | |
|  | | |
|2010 – 2011|Not available |153 |
| | | |
|  | | |
|2011 – 2012|260 |167 |
| | | |
|  | | |
|2012 – 2013|As of 28/09/12 approx 230|As of 28/09/12 approx 90 |
| | | |
|  | | |


     VII) How many of these were accepted and used to access
     support/support funding ?

See above table
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile  07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments

Borders College, Charity Number SC021180

>>> Oysterman <[FOI #130460 email]> 25/09/2012
20:29 >>>
     Dear Dkillean,
     I ask that this FOIS request be internally reviewed.
     Unfortunately, the response is inappropriate for a charity that
     receives over £13,000,000 in public money and I feel it dose not
     cover the questions A-C clearly. The information provided is
     alleged to be filed at another website. My FOIS request was made
     not to the SFC, especially not to there press realises section, but
     to the collage that should be fully accountable to the people of
     Therefore; I would ask that the collage spend some of the public’s
     13 million pounds it enjoys in compiling a more appropriate
     response more in harmony with the spirit of the act. I would ask
     that the collage supply a full break down, that is both clear and
     legible to the public of the money they receive from all sources
     within the fiscal years specified.
     I note that the audit for 12/13 fiscal year is still to be
     finalised and passed by parliament.
     I note that the collage stated ‘ The College does not allocate a
     specific amount of funding to support disabled people on particular
     courses or types of courses.’ Ok, so the collage seems have no
     anticipatory plan for the disabled other than what happens at the
     time, so it is a case by case referral system. This is
     disappointing, coloured paper just wont do and therefore I would
     I) Can a disabled learner refer themselves for support ?
     II) In regards students or staff members who refer another, do the
     collage hold it imperative that the person who refers the disabled
     learner has sufficient registered qualifications to detect and
     manage the needs of the learning support needy ?
     III) Who makes the final decision on behalf of the disabled learner
     ? What qualifications relevant to the disabled persons needs, is
     the decision maker required to have by law ?
     IV) Is there an appeals process for the learner if the decision is
     made not to apply/access funding ?
     V) Is there an opportunity for the disabled learner to have
     representation when communicating there needs to the collage ?
     VI) How many referrals were made between 2008 - 2012.
     VII) How many of these were accepted and used to access
     support/support funding ?
     VIII) How much in total has it cost the collage to support the
     learning disabled from the 2010-2011 fiscal year ?
     I note that the questions are not just about adult learners but all
     learners within the collage during the time period specified in the
     original request, please supply statistics for all learners.
     I note that my request is not request No.95 but a new request
     different in its on right and I would ask the collage use due
     process and answer it relevant to its own merits.
     For question E, I would ask the collage to review the question in
     light of the fact that I not only asked what government sources
     gave but what other sources are giving funding to the collage for
     disability learning advancement
     I would ask that question F be reviewed bearing in mind that there
     is or should be a specified start and end date for courses that
     took place at the last fiscal year.
     I would ask the collage review questions G urgently as I and about
     32 others of which some I can cite to court if need be were asked
     our orientation and sexual identity upon entry into an English
     higher adult learning course, we were told we MUST fill in the
     intrusive questioner that was given to us in 2010/11. So if the
     answer given in G is correct, then I will need to fast track this
     to the Data Protection Commissioner as well as asking parliament
     some important questions.
     In regards question H, I note the collage has received between
     2011-2012 a total of 6 complaints.
     Please review this request and answer the new questions specified
     i) - viii) within the time, limits and specification of our
     majesty’s freedom of information (Scotland) act of 2002.
     Please also note to refer to me at all times as Oysterman, and not
     my name as this breaches my data protection rights of which I have
     not relinquished.
     Thank you,

show quoted sections


I note the response although it is an illegal response under the act as the review should have been conducted by another person not the original respondent. Therefore I shall reffer this request to HM Freedom of Information Commissioner for Scotland for his concern.



DKILLEAN, Borders College

Thank you for informing me that you intend to take your concerns to the
Information Commissioners Office.  I look forward to hearing their verdict
on your case.
In response to point 8 of your request.  The College does not account for
the learning support separately.  The total spend an all Access provision,
Learning Support and additional needs assistants for 2010/11 was -
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile  07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments

Borders College, Charity Number SC021180

>>> Oysterman <[FOI #130460 email]> 24/10/2012
00:01 >>>
     Dear DKILLEAN,
     I note the response although it is an illegal response under the
     act as the review should have been conducted by another person not
     the original respondent. Therefore I shall reffer this request to
     HM Freedom of Information Commissioner for Scotland for his

show quoted sections

Oysterman (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

HM Freedom of Information Officer upheld my complaint but also enforced the right of the respondent to expect myself to declair my name privatly with EACH request I make.