Equality and Equity Plan

Joe made this Freedom of Information request to Greenwich Borough Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

I write with reference to your Equality and Equity Plan 2021.

Please could you provide me with some information on where I can access the latest information on the following:

1) Royal Greenwich Equality Network said to be set up in 2021.

Please provide me with more information on the network itself, as well as:

2) How often meetings take place/have taken place.

3) Details of all AGMs since 2020.

4) How many representatives are in the network and how diverse this split is, for example ethnicities, gender, disability.

Equality Objectives:

I note from your equality objectives a number of objectives for 2020-2024. Please could you provide examples and information on:

5) How the council has ensured equalities policies and procedures are applied consistently and sensitively as you have stated.

6) The number/percentage of senior staff representative of the borough’s wider population, by ethnicity, gender and disability.

7) How you have removed silos within the council to encourage knowledge sharing, resource sharing and the development of best practice in order to support your most vulnerable residents achieve the best outcomes in life as you stated you would in 2021.

8) How your services have better met the needs of your residents, particularly those with protected characteristics, as you stated it would in 2021.

9) Details on any training that managers have received to enable disabled staff to be supported in their roles since 2021.

Current position of the LGA’s Framework:

10) Please provide me with the council’s current position against the themes set out in the LGA framework. The last ones I can find pertain to 2021. If these are the latest, please advise why these have not been updated since.

Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group:

11) Please advise on the progress of the EDI steering group which was proposed in 2021.

12) Please point me in the right direction of the annual Equality Objectives Update Report for Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny which was stated would be produced annually in 2021.

Disabled council staff:

13) In 2019/20, 4.9 per cent of council staff identified as having a disability. What is the current percentage of disabled staff now?

Equalities training:

14) In 2021, your Equality Objective 3 states senior staff will undertake equalities training and any other relevant training. Please could you advise how many senior staff members have been on equalities training and when this was/how often it occurs.

Equalities monitoring:

Please advise:

15) What you have done to take a consistent approach to equalities monitoring as highlighted as an objective in Equality Objective 5.

16) How you have ensured Equality Impact Assessments are completed to ensure that all services are inclusive for all.

17) How many services have not received an EQI across the council 2021.

18) How many services have failed an EQI since 2021.

18) When the last review took place of the EQI process.


Yours faithfully,

J Jeffrey

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

FOI request: FOI-373

Thank you for your request dated 29/08/2023

Your request will be answered by 26/09/2023

If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.

Yours sincerely,

David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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Dear Greenwich Council,

You have not replied to my FOI request promptly, as normally required by law.

Should this FOI not be responded to within the next seven days, I will be contacting the Information Commissioner.

Yours sincerely,

J Jeffrey

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

Freedom of Information request:  FOI-373

Please accept our sincere apologies for a delay in providing a response to
your Freedom of Information request. We apologise for any inconvenience
this may cause. The service providing you with your response has been
chased today and they do remain committed to responding to your request as
soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

FOI request: FOI-373

Thank you for your request dated 29/08/2023

Our response is as follows:

1) Royal Greenwich Equality Network said to be set up in 2021.


Please provide me with more information on the network itself, as well as:


2) How often meetings take place/have taken place.


This information is not held by the Council. The RGEN project was carried
out independently of the Council by Greenwich Inclusion Project, which is
preparing a report on its findings and outcomes to the Council.

3) Details of all AGMs since 2020.

This information is not held by the Council. The RGEN project was carried
out independently of the Council by Greenwich Inclusion Project, which is
preparing a report on its findings and outcomes to the Council.


4) How many representatives are in the network and how diverse this split
is, for example ethnicities, gender, disability.

This information is not held by the Council. The RGEN project was carried
out independently of the Council by Greenwich Inclusion Project, which is
preparing a report on its findings and outcomes to the Council.

Equality Objectives:


I note from your equality objectives a number of objectives for 2020-2024.
Please could you provide examples and information on:


5) How the council has ensured equalities policies and procedures are
applied consistently and sensitively as you have stated.

This information is published annually, as part of the Council’s report to
the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The 2022 information can be
found here (Item 7):

Section 22 Exemption Engaged

This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.

A report on the Council’s performance in respect of its Equality
Objectives and the action taken to improve Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion is due to be considered by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in October 2023, and will be published prior to the meeting on
the Council’s website.

The public interest in disclosing the report prior to publication is that
of openness and transparency, and allowing the public to scrutinise the
work of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The public interest in applying
the exemption is that releasing the draft report may omit information that
helps the public’s understanding of the work undertaken, and would
adversely affect the democratic process by sharing the report before it
has been received by elected Members responsible for scrutinising the

Accordingly, the exemption is engaged.

6) The number/percentage of senior staff representative of the borough’s
wider population, by ethnicity, gender and disability.

Of staff on grade PO7 or above

31% are BAME

60% are Female

2% are Disabled

7) How you have removed silos within the council to encourage knowledge
sharing, resource sharing and the development of best practice in order to
support your most vulnerable residents achieve the best outcomes in life
as you stated you would in 2021.

This information is published annually, as part of the Council’s report to
the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The 2022 information can be
found here (Item 7):

Section 22 Exemption Engaged

This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.

A report on the Council’s performance in respect of its Equality
Objectives and the action taken to improve Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion is due to be considered by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in October 2023, and will be published prior to the meeting on
the Council’s website.

The public interest in disclosing the report prior to publication is that
of openness and transparency, and allowing the public to scrutinise the
work of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The public interest in applying
the exemption is that releasing the draft report may omit information that
helps the public’s understanding of the work undertaken, and would
adversely affect the democratic process by sharing the report before it
has been received by elected Members responsible for scrutinising the

Accordingly, the exemption is engaged.

8) How your services have better met the needs of your residents,
particularly those with protected characteristics, as you stated it would
in 2021.

This information is published annually, as part of the Council’s report to
the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The 2022 information can be
found here (Item 7):

Section 22 Exemption Engaged

This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.

A report on the Council’s performance in respect of its Equality
Objectives and the action taken to improve Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion is due to be considered by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in October 2023, and will be published prior to the meeting on
the Council’s website.

The public interest in disclosing the report prior to publication is that
of openness and transparency, and allowing the public to scrutinise the
work of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The public interest in applying
the exemption is that releasing the draft report may omit information that
helps the public’s understanding of the work undertaken, and would
adversely affect the democratic process by sharing the report before it
has been received by elected Members responsible for scrutinising the

Accordingly, the exemption is engaged.


9) Details on any training that managers have received to enable disabled
staff to be supported in their roles since 2021.

Essential Skills for Recruitment Panel Members

Harassment and Bullying for Managers

Inclusive Language and Intersectionality

Inclusive Language Guide

Unconscious Bias

Current position of the LGA’s Framework:


10) Please provide me with the council’s current position against the
themes set out in the LGA framework. The last ones I can find pertain to
2021. If these are the latest, please advise why these have not been
updated since.

This information is published annually, as part of the Council’s report to
the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The 2022 information can be
found here (Item 7):

Section 22 Exemption Engaged

This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.

A report on the Council’s performance in respect of its Equality
Objectives and the action taken to improve Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion is due to be considered by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in October 2023, and will be published prior to the meeting on
the Council’s website.

The public interest in disclosing the report prior to publication is that
of openness and transparency, and allowing the public to scrutinise the
work of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The public interest in applying
the exemption is that releasing the draft report may omit information that
helps the public’s understanding of the work undertaken, and would
adversely affect the democratic process by sharing the report before it
has been received by elected Members responsible for scrutinising the

Accordingly, the exemption is engaged.

Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group:


11) Please advise on the progress of the EDI steering group which was
proposed in 2021.

This information is published annually, as part of the Council’s report to
the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The 2022 information can be
found here (Item 7):

Section 22 Exemption Engaged

This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.

A report on the Council’s performance in respect of its Equality
Objectives and the action taken to improve Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion is due to be considered by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in October 2023, and will be published prior to the meeting on
the Council’s website.

The public interest in disclosing the report prior to publication is that
of openness and transparency, and allowing the public to scrutinise the
work of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The public interest in applying
the exemption is that releasing the draft report may omit information that
helps the public’s understanding of the work undertaken, and would
adversely affect the democratic process by sharing the report before it
has been received by elected Members responsible for scrutinising the

Accordingly, the exemption is engaged.

12) Please point me in the right direction of the annual Equality
Objectives Update Report for Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny which was
stated would be produced annually in 2021.

This information is published annually, as part of the Council’s report to
the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The 2022 information can be
found here (Item 7):

Section 22 Exemption Engaged

This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.

A report on the Council’s performance in respect of its Equality
Objectives and the action taken to improve Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion is due to be considered by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in October 2023, and will be published prior to the meeting on
the Council’s website.

The public interest in disclosing the report prior to publication is that
of openness and transparency, and allowing the public to scrutinise the
work of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The public interest in applying
the exemption is that releasing the draft report may omit information that
helps the public’s understanding of the work undertaken, and would
adversely affect the democratic process by sharing the report before it
has been received by elected Members responsible for scrutinising the

Accordingly, the exemption is engaged.


Disabled council staff:


13) In 2019/20, 4.9 per cent of council staff identified as having a
disability. What is the current percentage of disabled staff now?


Equalities training:


14) In 2021, your Equality Objective 3 states senior staff will undertake
equalities training and any other relevant training. Please could you
advise how many senior staff members have been on equalities training and
when this was/how often it occurs.

Bullying and Harrassment training is compulsory for managers, which may
have been undertaken before the current plan period. 60 senior staff have
undertaken equalities or relevant training during 2022/23. Equalities
training courses are available on average multiple times every month
throughout the year.

Equalities monitoring:


Please advise:


15) What you have done to take a consistent approach to equalities
monitoring as highlighted as an objective in Equality Objective 5.

Section 22 Exemption Engaged

This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.

A report on the Council’s performance in respect of its Equality
Objectives and the action taken to improve Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion is due to be considered by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in October 2023, and will be published prior to the meeting on
the Council’s website.

The public interest in disclosing the report prior to publication is that
of openness and transparency, and allowing the public to scrutinise the
work of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The public interest in applying
the exemption is that releasing the draft report may omit information that
helps the public’s understanding of the work undertaken, and would
adversely affect the democratic process by sharing the report before it
has been received by elected Members responsible for scrutinising the

Accordingly, the exemption is engaged.

16) How you have ensured Equality Impact Assessments are completed to
ensure that all services are inclusive for all.

Equality issues are a crosscutting issue that is required to be completed
as part of all Council formal decisions. Decisions cannot be taken through
the Council’s formal decision making process without Equality issues being
addressed as part of the report and an Equality Impact Assessment being
completed, if required.

17) How many services have not received an EQI across the council 2021.

Equality Impact Assessments are carried out as part of the Council’s
decision making process, and are not tied to specific services.

18) How many services have failed an EQI since 2021.

Not applicable – see question 17

18) When the last review took place of the EQI process.

July 2022

If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [7][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely,

David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 3:27 PM
To: 'joe' <[FOI #1019164 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-373: Freedom of Information request - Equality and Equity

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

Freedom of Information request:  FOI-373

Please accept our sincere apologies for a delay in providing a response to
your Freedom of Information request. We apologise for any inconvenience
this may cause. The service providing you with your response has been
chased today and they do remain committed to responding to your request as
soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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