Environmental Harm to the North Sea and its habitats
Dear Yorkshire Water Services Limited,
Please provide me with as supplied to the Environment Agency under the Permit known as QR27/27/0035 THE WHEATCROFT LONG SEA OUTFALL,
All reports as including exceedances as submitted under Quality Management System covering Operator Self-Monitoring.to the Environment Agency under the Terms and Conditions as set out for the reports to the EA as a prerequisites in the Permitting for the discharge for the last 3 years. Up to and including 1st Jan through to Dec 31st for each year 2020 to 2023..
The weight in Kg of 1000 litres of a typical discharge comprising potato laden starch in its contents.
The density of a typical 1000 litres of discharge.
If YW test for the presence of bacteria E.Coli & enterococci in the discharge and instances of its detection.
Do Yorkshire Water consider their discharge of waste effluent to the North Sea to be harmless to the marine environment?
Kind Regards,
Bob Roberts
Yours faithfully,
Bob Roberts
Reference Number: EIR 744
Dear Bob Roberts,
I refer to your request for information submitted to Yorkshire Water dated
23 January 2024.
Included with this email are the response to your questions:
1. “All reports as including exceedances as submitted under Quality
Management System covering Operator Self-Monitoring to the Environment
Agency under the Terms and Conditions as set out for the reports to
the EA as a prerequisites in the Permitting for the discharge for the
last 3 years. Up to and including 1st Jan through to Dec 31st for each
year 2020 to 2023.
Please see attached data; the data on the “OSM Data” tab, details the
results for the two OSM determinands – Suspended Solids and Oil/Grease,
along with the agreed limits.
As well as the OSM derterminands the EA require the sampling to comply
with the Urban Waste Water directive. Section 2 of the Consent to
Discharge states:
“The Discharge shall be subject to Regulation 8, and from the date of this
Consent shall receive primary treatment by a physical and/or chemical
process involving settlement of suspended solids, or other processes in
which the B. 0 .D. of the incoming trade effluent is reduced by at least
20% before discharge, and the total suspended solids of the incoming trade
effluent are reduced by at least 50% before discharge”
The attached spreadsheet “UWWTD” tab, details sample data and calculates
the removal for BOD and Solids in order to comply with the Urban Waste
Water directive.
2. The weight in Kg of 1000 litres of a typical discharge comprising
potato laden starch in its contents
See Column K on “UWWTD” tab.
3. The density of a typical 1000 litres of discharge.
See Column W on “UWWTD” tab.
4. If YW test for the presence of bacteria E.Coli & enterococci in the
discharge and instances of its detection.
See “Sample Data” Tab on attached Spreadsheet. Please note YWS does not
require E.Coli sampling for OSM discharge consent requirements, it is for
YWS monitoring only.
I trust that the provision of this data satisfies your request. In
accordance with the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, if you are
not satisfied with this reply to your request you can ask for an internal
review. A request for an internal review must be submitted within 40
working days by contacting the Data Protection Team.
Thank you for contacting Yorkshire Water.
Yours sincerely,
Data Protection Team
Email: [1][email address]
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Yorkshire Water Services Limited
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