Enviromental information

Nikki Davies made this Environmental Information Regulations request to First Choice Homes Oldham
This authority is not subject to FOI law, so is not legally obliged to respond (details).
This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was refused by First Choice Homes Oldham.

Dear First Choice Homes Oldham,

Please consider our request for environmental information under the Environmental Information Regulations.

We write to request for information relating to the presence of asbestos in respect to the following properties:

• Sholver estate, in particular the Pearly Bank flats;
. Crete Street;
• Eldon street;
• West street

Yours faithfully,

Miss Davies

Glenn Martin, First Choice Homes Oldham

Dear Nikki
In response to your request for information regarding the presence of
asbestos in our properties as specified.
Your request falls under The Freedom of Information Act which provides
public access to information held by public authorities as defined in
Section 3 of the Act. First Choice Homes is not classed as a public body
under that Act and we are therefore not legally obliged to provide any
I can however advise that FCHO have a robust approach to the management of
asbestos across our stock and have completed management surveys on 94% of
our total stock and processes in place to survey the remaining properties.
When commissioning works we undertake R&D surveys and provide this
information to the relevant parties. However we do not share specific
information with third parties based on enquires such as yours.
Glenn Martin
Contract & Compliance Manager
First Choice Homes Oldham
First Place
22 Union Street
Oldham, OL1 1BE
T: 0161 393 7117
[mobile number]

Glenn Martin
Contracts & Compliance Manager
First Choice Homes Oldham
First Place

T: 0161 393 5284
M: 07920135871

Visit our Website [2]www.fcho.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter [3]www.twitter.com/FirstForFCHO
Like us on Facebook [4]www.facebook.com/FirstChoiceHomesOldham

First Choice Homes Oldham is a Charitable Community Benefit Society
registered with the Financial Conduct Authority; company number 31138R at
First Place, 22 Union Street, Oldham OL1 1BE.

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