Entertainment / Alchohol Licence

The request was successful.

Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please find below a request for information under The Freedom of
Information Act 2000.

Details of Request:
Can you please provide me with the following details from the
records which you hold under The Licensing Act 2003:-

- A full list of all premises who have an entertainments license for Live and Recorded Music.
With the list containing the following:
o Premises Name
o Premises Licence Holders Name
o Full Postal Address
o Telephone Number for Premise
o Email address (if provided)
o Designated Premises Supervisors Name

- A full list of all premises who have the sale of alcohol by
retail on their premises or club premises licence. With the list
containing the following:
o Premises Name
o Premises Licence Holders Name
o Full Postal Address
o Telephone Number for Premise
o Email address (if provided)
o Designated Premises Supervisors Name

- A full list of all premises who have a premises licence with late
night refreshments but not the sale of alcohol by retail. With the
list containing the following:
o Premises Name
o Premises Licence Holders Name
o Full Postal Address
o Telephone Number for Premise
o Email address (if provided)

Requested Format:
Please provide this information in spreadsheet (.xls) format sent
by email

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter, please feel free
at any point to contact me to discuss my request further by reply

Yours faithfully,

Simon Barker

Corrin, Jane,

5 Attachments

Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your enquiry below. Please see information attached,
which we hold as recorded information, in relation to:-

* Complete list of Licences showing Premises Licence Holders
* Premises that sell alcohol together with the Designated Premises
* Premises with the provision Late Night Refreshment
* Premises permitted to provide Live Music
* Premises permitted to provide Recorded Music

I hope the information is useful to you.

Kind regards
Jane Corrin
Information and Central Services Manager
Transformation & Resources Department
Wallasey Town Hall
Brighton Street
CH44 8ED

This information supplied to you is copyrighted and continues to be
protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free
to use it for your own purposes, including any non commercial research
you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other reuse,
for example commercial publication, would require our specific
permission, may involve licensing and the application of a charge. Thank
you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act.

From: Simon Barker [mailto:[FOI #193458 email]]
Sent: 17 January 2014 10:17
To: InfoMgr, FinDMT
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Entertainment / Alchohol

Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please find below a request for information under The Freedom of
Information Act 2000.

Details of Request:
Can you please provide me with the following details from the records
which you hold under The Licensing Act 2003:-

- A full list of all premises who have an entertainments license for
Live and Recorded Music.
With the list containing the following:
o Premises Name
o Premises Licence Holders Name
o Full Postal Address
o Telephone Number for Premise
o Email address (if provided)
o Designated Premises Supervisors Name

- A full list of all premises who have the sale of alcohol by retail on
their premises or club premises licence. With the list containing the
o Premises Name
o Premises Licence Holders Name
o Full Postal Address
o Telephone Number for Premise
o Email address (if provided)
o Designated Premises Supervisors Name

- A full list of all premises who have a premises licence with late
night refreshments but not the sale of alcohol by retail. With the list
containing the following:
o Premises Name
o Premises Licence Holders Name
o Full Postal Address
o Telephone Number for Premise
o Email address (if provided)

Requested Format:
Please provide this information in spreadsheet (.xls) format sent by

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter, please feel free at
any point to contact me to discuss my request further by reply email

Yours faithfully,

Simon Barker

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