Enforcement of The Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Transport,

I understand that the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 place obligations on bus drivers under criminal law. It is my understanding that failure to comply without good reason is a criminal offence.

Please can you tell me who enforces these regulations, and how? If a driver refuses to operate the access ramp for a disabled passenger, fails to ensure a wheelchair user is adequately restrained on the bus, or falls to provide the necessary assistance as mandated by these regulations, what right of redress does the passenger have? As it is an obligation under criminal law, is it a police matter?

Please can you point me to the document, or section of a document, that states the mechanism for enforcement?

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Doug Paulley

Dear Department for Transport,

Please can you provide an update on my request?

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Doug Paulley

Dear Department for Transport,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department for Transport's handling of my FOI request 'Enforcement of The Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002'.

You haven't responded to my request "as soon as possible and in any case within 20 working days" - or even acknowledged my request.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/e...

Yours faithfully,

Doug Paulley

Ivan Pocock, Department for Transport


Dear Mr Paulley,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your request for an internal
review. I will contact the relevant policy team and ask them for an update
on your request.




Ivan Pocock

Department for Transport

Information Rights & Records Unit



show quoted sections

Ben Jones, Department for Transport

Dear Mr Paulley,


I am writing in relation to your 24^th September 2013 request for
information from the Department for Transport concerning enforcement
arrangements for the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers,
Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002.  


I apologise for the delay in responding to your questions and any
inconvenience this has caused you.  We are currently working on your
request and I hope to be in a position to provide a substantive response
by close of play on Friday 25^th October 2013.





Ben Jones

Policy Advisor

Department for Transport


show quoted sections

Dear Ben Jones,

Thank you and thank you for letting me know.

Yours sincerely,

Doug Paulley

Ben Jones, Department for Transport

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Paulley,


Further to my previous email of 23rd October, please see attached response
to your Freedom of Information request of 24^th September.


Kind Regards,


Ben Jones

Policy Advisor

Department for Transport


show quoted sections

Ben Jones, Department for Transport

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Paulley,


With apologies for the inconvenience, please disregard my previous email
from earlier today (and the attached letter) and find attached a slightly
updated, final signed version of my response to your FOI request.


Kind Regards,


Ben Jones

Policy Advisor

Department for Transport



show quoted sections

Dear Ben Jones,

Thank you.

Can I perhaps refine or clarify my request for information. The request is as follows.

Which statutory organisation, if any, is tasked with enforcing the PSVAR regualtions?

Which statutory organisations have taken legal action under the PSVAR regualtions, in particular in relation to the requirements on drivers to take specific actions to ensure accessibility for wheelchair users and other disabled people?

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Doug Paulley

Ivan Pocock, Department for Transport

Dear Doug Paulley,

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your email dated 26th October which has been allocated the above reference number. A response will be issued to you in due course.


Ivan Pocock
Department for Transport
Information Rights & Records Unit
D/01, Ashdown House
Sedlescombe Road North
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN37 7GA

show quoted sections

Dear Ivan Pocock,

As the response is due "promptly and in any case within 20 working days" (20 working days being a longstop) it's been due for some time now and will be in breech of the longstop this weekend.

Please can you indicate the status of my request?

Yours sincerely,

Doug Paulley

Ben Jones, Department for Transport

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Paulley,

Please see attached response to your most recent request for Information.

Please let me know if you require further assistance.

Kind Regards,


Ben Jones
Policy Advisor
PSV Licensing and Accessibility
Buses and Taxis Division
Department for Transport

show quoted sections

Dear Ben Jones,

You have misunderstood. When I said PSVAR regulations, as should have been clear from the context of our discussion - fully documented at https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/e... - I was referring to the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002.

My FoI request therefore reads as:

Which statutory organisation, if any, is tasked with enforcing the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002?

Which statutory organisations have taken legal action under the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002, in particular in relation to the requirements on drivers to take specific actions to ensure accessibility for wheelchair users and other disabled people?

I'm disappointed to still be pressing for this information; this is the second time I have clarified. Please respond.

Yours sincerely,

Doug Paulley

FOI-ADVICE-TEAM-DFT, Department for Transport

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Paulley


I have carried out an independent Internal Review into the Department for
Transport’s handling of your recent FOI request (case reference number
F0010732). My findings are attached. I apologise for the fact that the
Department misunderstood your request. My Internal Review response letter
addresses the questions which you asked.


Kind regards



P Parr

Information Rights & Records Unit

Department for Transport





From: Doug Paulley [mailto:[FOI #178430 email]]
Sent: 22 November 2013 18:40
To: Ben Jones
Subject: RE: FW: Enforcement of The Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of
Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations


Dear Ben Jones,


You have misunderstood. When I said PSVAR regulations, as should have been
clear from the context of our discussion - fully documented at
https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/e... -
I was referring to the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers,
Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002.


My FoI request therefore reads as:


Which statutory organisation, if any, is tasked with enforcing the Public
Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and
Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002?


Which statutory organisations have taken legal action under the Public
Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and
Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 2002, in particular in relation to the
requirements on drivers to take specific actions to ensure accessibility
for wheelchair users and other disabled people?


I'm disappointed to still be pressing for this information; this is the
second time I have clarified. Please respond.


Yours sincerely,


Doug Paulley


show quoted sections


Thank you. That was useful information.

Yours sincerely,

Doug Paulley

Ben Jones, Department for Transport

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Paulley,


Please see attached response to your most recent request for Information.


Please let me know if you require further assistance.


Kind Regards,




Ben Jones

Policy Advisor

PSV Licensing and Accessibility

Buses and Taxis Division

Department for Transport


show quoted sections