Enforcement in the private rented sector
Dear Plymouth City Council,
Please provide the following information for the financial year 2017-18:
1. How many complaints did the council receive that related to conditions in private rented homes?
2. How many inspections of private rented homes did the council carry out?
3. How many Category 1 Hazards were found during inspections of private rented homes?
4. How many a) Improvement Notices b) Prohibition Orders and c) Emergency Remedial Action Notices did the council issue in relation to private rented homes?
5. How many successful prosecutions of private landlords or agents for offences relating to rented housing did the council serve?
6. How many a) notices of intent and b) final notices relating to civil penalties for housing offences did the council impose?
7. How many Rent Repayment Orders did the council a) successfully apply for and b) assist an occupier to apply for?
Yours faithfully,
Dan Wilson Craw
Dear Dan
FOI Reference: 905567
Thank you for your request for information about ‘Enforcement in the
Private Rented Sector’. Your request was received on 15 January2019, and
is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act
We will aim to provide a response to your request within 20 working days,
that is by 19 February 2019. Our response will be sent by email or hard
copy depending on how you made your request and how the information is
If we’re unable to gather the information you’ve asked for within the cost
limit set by the government, which is 18 hours of staff time or £450, we
will contact you to discuss how we can meet your information needs within
this limit.
Information about the Freedom of Information Act 2000 can be found on the
Information Commissioners Office website:
We also have information available on our website:
Please contact me if you’re not able to find the information you’re
looking for.
For information about how Plymouth City Council will use the information
you supply when making a request and the information rights you have
please see our [3]Privacy Notice: Information Access – Freedom of
Information/Environmental Information Regulations.
Yours sincerely
Susan Tyers
Community Connections Support Assistant
Community Connections
Plymouth City Council
Ballard House, West Hoe Road
T +441752304012
E [4][email address]
Dear Dan
Freedom of Information Request Reference: 905567
Enforcement in the Private Rented Sector
Following my email of 22 January 2019, I can confirm that the Council does
hold the information you requested. Please see the attached response to
your request.
Please note that the information supplied can be re-used in accordance
with the Open Government Licence. For further details please see:
If you wish to discuss this letter please contact me. If you disagree with
the way your request has been dealt with you can request a review by
writing to me within 40 working days of the date of this letter. Please
state the reasons for your dissatisfaction.
Following a review, if you are still not satisfied with the way your
request has been dealt with you can complain to the Information
Commissioner’s Office via their website:
[2]https://ico.org.uk/concerns/getting/ or by writing to: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.
Information about the Freedom of Information Act 2000 can be found on the
Information Commissioners Office website: [3]http://www.ico.org.uk.
We also have information available on our website:
Yours sincerely
Matthew Garratt
Service Director
Community Connections
Plymouth City Council
Ballard House, West Hoe Road
T +441752398500
E [5][email address]
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