Enforcement Agency Services

The request was successful.

Dear FOI Team,

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contracts below please.

The details required are:

Q1. Your current suppliers used to collect the following debts (please give names of all suppliers for each debt type):

• Parking Fines (PCNs)
• Council Tax
• Business Rates (NDR)

Q2. Number of cases issued to enforcement agents for each debt type, for the immediate past two financial years and year to date, e.g. 2021/22; 2022/23; 2023 Year to date:

• Parking Fines (PCNs)
• Council Tax
• Business Rates (NDR)

Q3. Enforcement/Debt Collection contract start and contract end date, and any contract extension dates for each of the following debt types:

• Parking Fines (PCNs)
• Council Tax
• Business Rates (NDR)

Q4. Are your Revenues and Benefits or Parking Services outsourced, and if they are, please state who is the supplier responsible for each or both service e.g. Capita, APCOA, Agilysis, Serco, Liberata etc.

• Parking (RTD)
• Revenues and Benefits

Q5. The name and/or job title of the Senior Office (outside of procurement) responsible for the above contract(s)?
Thank you for any assistance you can give.
Yours faithfully
J. Carter

Customer Relations (CBC), Cheltenham Borough Council

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your enquiry received today. Your request for information has been logged as FOI 9882 and you will receive a response within 20 working days.

Kind regards,

Beth Cordingley (Mrs)
Customer Relations and Information Officer
Cheltenham Borough Council
Tel: 01242 264350
Email: [Cheltenham Borough Council request email]
Website: http://www.cheltenham.gov.uk

Working together to create a great future for Cheltenham

Follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/cheltenhambc

🎄 Remember to check our website for your Christmas waste collection days 🎄

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Customer Relations (CBC), Cheltenham Borough Council

FOI: 9882


Dear J Carter,


We have processed your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOI) as this is the relevant legislation for your
information request.


Your Request


Q1. Your current suppliers used to collect the following debts (please
give names of all suppliers for each debt type):


• Parking Fines (PCNs)

• Council Tax

• Business Rates (NDR)


Q2. Number of cases issued to enforcement agents for each debt type, for
the immediate past two financial years and year to date, e.g. 2021/22;
2022/23; 2023 Year to date:


• Parking Fines (PCNs)

• Council Tax

• Business Rates (NDR)


Q3. Enforcement/Debt Collection contract start and contract end date, and
any contract extension dates for each of the following debt types:


• Parking Fines (PCNs)

• Council Tax

• Business Rates (NDR)


Q4. Are your Revenues and Benefits or Parking Services outsourced, and if
they are, please state who is the supplier responsible for each or both
service e.g. Capita, APCOA, Agilysis, Serco, Liberata etc.


• Parking (RTD)

• Revenues and Benefits



Our Response


Q1. Your current suppliers used to collect the following debts (please
give names of all suppliers for each debt type):


• Parking Fines (PCNs)                   Bristow and Sutor


• Council Tax                                  Primary Agent – Bristow &

Recycling agent – Marstons


• Business Rates (NDR)                  Bristow and Sutor

 Recycling agent – Marstons



Q2. Number of cases issued to enforcement agents for each debt type, for
the immediate past two financial years and year to date, e.g. 2021/22;
2022/23; 2023 Year to date:


• Parking Fines (PCNs)


2021/2022 - 25

2022/2023 - 44

2023/2024 – 247


• Council Tax


  Primary Agent Recycling Agent
2021/22 1383 114
2022/23 1008 230
2023 to date 961 178


Please note that cases that are returned from the primary agent may also
be passed to the recycling agent and therefore may be counted in both



• Business Rates (NDR)


2021/2022 - 47

2022/2023 - 81

2023/2024 – 46


Q3. Enforcement/Debt Collection contract start and contract end date, and
any contract extension dates for each of the following debt types:


• Parking Fines (PCNs)

• Council Tax

• Business Rates (NDR)


The tenders and contracts page of our website can be found at:



The procurement department is at the centre of the council's procurement

The Publica Portal gives you access to our six partner organisations'
procurement opportunities and provides information on contracts that have
already been awarded. Further all Council and partner procurement
opportunities of £25K and over are also advertised on GOV.UK.

Please find tender information at


Be advised, we procure all our goods and services in accordance with the
Public sector Procurement Policy




Q4. Are your Revenues and Benefits or Parking Services outsourced, and if
they are, please state who is the supplier responsible for each or both
service e.g. Capita, APCOA, Agilysis, Serco, Liberata etc.


• Parking (RTD)                               No

• Revenues and Benefits              No


Q5. The name and/or job title of the Senior Office (outside of
procurement) responsible for the above contract(s)?




Main Switchboard: 01242 262626

[6][email address]


We can confirm that the Council holds the information. However we are
unable to provide the full contact details of the person requested because
they are not a member of the Senior Management Team.

Release of this information would identify members of staff and as such
this information is exempt from release under Section 40 (2) (Personal
Data) of the FOI Act.



Please note: If you are dissatisfied with the Council’s response you have
a right of appeal. In the first instance please forward your appeal to
Customer Relations, Cheltenham Borough Council, Municipal Offices,
Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA or email:
[Cheltenham Borough Council request email]. Your appeal will be considered and a
response sent to you within 20 working days. 


If you are still not happy with this decision you have a further right of
appeal to the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Kind regards,



Beth Cordingley (Mrs)

Customer Relations and Information Officer

Cheltenham Borough Council

Tel: 01242 264350

Email: [7][Cheltenham Borough Council request email]

Website: [8]http://www.cheltenham.gov.uk


Working together to create a great future for Cheltenham


Follow us on twitter: [9]www.twitter.com/cheltenhambc



🎄 Remember to check our website for your Christmas waste collection days 🎄




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