We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Welfare Officer please sign in and let everyone know.

Enforcement against HMOs

We're waiting for Welfare Officer to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Ceredigion Council,

How many HMOs have you taken enforcement action against from January 2013 until Present (November 2013)?

Out of the enforcement action taken, are you able to say what action this was?

Yours faithfully,

Laura Dickens

Ceredigion Reception, Ceredigion County Council

Diolch am eich neges e-bost – bydd yn derbyn sylw’r gwasanaeth priodol yn
ei dro.


Thank you for your e-mail communication which will receive attention from
the appropriate service in due course.




Er y cymerir pob gofal posib i sicrhau cywirdeb unrhyw wybodaeth a chyngor
a roddir yn yr ohebiaeth hon, ni dderbynnir atebolrwydd am unrhyw
golledion a all godi o unrhyw gamgymeriadau sy'n gynwysedig ac fe'ch
atgoffir o'r angen i chi ofyn am gyngor proffesiynol eich hun.

Bwriedir y neges ebost hon, ac unrhyw atodiadau iddi, at sylw'r person(au)
y'i danfonwyd atynt yn unig. Os nad chi yw'r derbynnydd y cyfeiriwyd y
neges hon ato ef neu hi, neu'r person sydd gyfrifol am drosglwyddo'r neges
hon iddo ef neu hi, mi ddylech hysbysu'r anfonwr ar eich union. Oni bai
mai chi yw'r person neu gynrychiolydd y person y cyfeiriwyd y neges hon at
ef neu hi nid ydych wedi eich awdurdodi i, ac ni ddylech chi, ddarllen,
copio, dosbarthu, defnyddio na chadw'r neges hon nac unrhyw gyfran ohoni.

O dan y Ddeddf Amddiffyn Data 1998 a Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000 gellir
datgelu cynnwys y negest ebost hon.


While reasonable care is taken to ensure the correctness of any
information and advice given in this correspondence no liability is
accepted for losses arising from any errors contained in it and you are
reminded of the need to obtain your own professional advice.

The information in this email and any attachments is intended solely for
the attention and use of the named addressee(s). If you are not the
intended recipient, or person responsible for delivering this information
to the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. Unless
you are the intended recipient or his/her representative you are not
authorised to, and must not, read, copy, distribute, use or retain this
message or any part of it.

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000
the contents of this email may be disclosed.

Huw Evans, Ceredigion County Council

FAO Laura Dickens,


Your Freedom of Information request of 20^th November 2013 was forwarded
for my attention . After discussing the matter with the relevant service,
please find details below for Enforcement Work and licenses issued with
conditions, undertaken by officers who deal with HMOs since 1^st January


Detail TOTAL
Requisition for Information Notices 3
Notice to Enter and Take Action 1
Enforce Schedule Out Poor Condition 20
Enforce Schedule out Minor Works 113
L.A. propose to refuse HMO Lic 1
HIU Visit (HHSRS Visits) 222
Home Office Simple Caution Issued 3

HMO Licences with Conditions for
Improvements 29
HMO Licences Issued without conditions 93
Investigations closed: Issues Resolved or No
further action 100
Category 1 Hazards Works Complete 17
Category 2 Hazards Wrks Complete 30

In summary, officers have undertaken 222 Housing Health and Safety Rating
Scheme inspections in HMO Premises through new license applications,
programmed visits and complaints. Of these 20 resulted in Enforcement work
for poor conditions and 113 for minor housing standards breaches. 122
Licences have been issued during the year of which 29 (24%) required
Conditions to be attached , the low number of conditions is likely to be
due to high numbers of re licence applications currently going through who
have been in the licencing system for 5 years or more and therefore these
properties have  already improved to acceptable levels. Notice of entry to
undertake works in default has occurred in 1 property containing 5 units
for improvement, 3 investigations notices have been issued, 1 refusal to
licence and 3 cautions for licencing breaches.


I hope that this information will be of assistance to you.


Many thanks


Huw Evans,

Business support Manager

Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council






Er y cymerir pob gofal posib i sicrhau cywirdeb unrhyw wybodaeth a chyngor
a roddir yn yr ohebiaeth hon, ni dderbynnir atebolrwydd am unrhyw
golledion a all godi o unrhyw gamgymeriadau sy'n gynwysedig ac fe'ch
atgoffir o'r angen i chi ofyn am gyngor proffesiynol eich hun.

Bwriedir y neges ebost hon, ac unrhyw atodiadau iddi, at sylw'r person(au)
y'i danfonwyd atynt yn unig. Os nad chi yw'r derbynnydd y cyfeiriwyd y
neges hon ato ef neu hi, neu'r person sydd gyfrifol am drosglwyddo'r neges
hon iddo ef neu hi, mi ddylech hysbysu'r anfonwr ar eich union. Oni bai
mai chi yw'r person neu gynrychiolydd y person y cyfeiriwyd y neges hon at
ef neu hi nid ydych wedi eich awdurdodi i, ac ni ddylech chi, ddarllen,
copio, dosbarthu, defnyddio na chadw'r neges hon nac unrhyw gyfran ohoni.

O dan y Ddeddf Amddiffyn Data 1998 a Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000 gellir
datgelu cynnwys y negest ebost hon.


While reasonable care is taken to ensure the correctness of any
information and advice given in this correspondence no liability is
accepted for losses arising from any errors contained in it and you are
reminded of the need to obtain your own professional advice.

The information in this email and any attachments is intended solely for
the attention and use of the named addressee(s). If you are not the
intended recipient, or person responsible for delivering this information
to the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. Unless
you are the intended recipient or his/her representative you are not
authorised to, and must not, read, copy, distribute, use or retain this
message or any part of it.

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000
the contents of this email may be disclosed.

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Welfare Officer please sign in and let everyone know.