Enforcement action on the requirement to register a charity
Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,
This is a freedom of information request.
Please provide information on the enforcement action the Charity Commission took between the 14th December 2011 and 7th July 2022 to ensure the registration of an unregistered charity that was required to register.
The information for each event would ideally be:
- Date of event
- Name of charity
- Legal powers used
- Details about punitive action taken, such as penalties imposed, suspension of trustees, legal action.
- Other relevant background, such as case notes.
If this is too large a time range, please could you provide data for the 2 most recent years data is held for. If you are unable to search your system for this information, please could you advise how the information is stored and can be queried. Please redact information that may prejudice the Charity Commision's ability to carry out its function, may prejudice an ongoing investigation or legal case, or contain personal data that cannot be released.
Yours faithfully,
Katherine Miah
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Dear Ms Miah,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Yours sincerely,
Data Protection and Information Rights team
W: [1]https://www.gov.uk/charity-commission
[2]TwitterFollow us on Twitter | @ChtyCommission
Dear Charity Commission,
I would be grateful if you could offer me guidance into how I could best reframe the request in order to obtain as much of the information as possible, while bringing it below the cost limit.
**Your previous response**
You previously explained: "There is no issue code that we use which would enable us to identify relevant cases on our electronic case management system. (Such cases would be dealt with in different parts of the Commission according to the level of risk.) In order to identify whether or not we held any information relevant to your request, the Commission would need to manually check the records of all charities (and unregistered bodies) to determine if the information is held."
You also stated "In view of our explanation about how information is held and given that section 16(1) states “so far as it would be reasonable to expect the authority to do so”, we are unable to provide any advice and assistance on this occasion."
**Request for additional advice and assistance**
You suggested cases could only be looked up by manually checking the records of all charities - but I am surprised this is the case. For example, when investigation staff start working each day, they must be able to keep track of which charities have investigations. I also can't see how the Charity Commission could possibly analyse how well it is doing in terms of opening/closing/discovering things if this was the only way of accessing cases.
Please could you clarify exactly how cases can be looked up in the electronic case management system? If you have instruction manuals e.g. for training staff how to use the platform, these may be helpful to share. Alternatively, a screenshot of just the 'search' page or similar of the electronic case management system may be helpful to reframe my request.
Yours sincerely,
Katherine Miah
Dear Katherine Miah
Thank you for your email.
Please find attached a response from the Commission's regarding your
request for Information.
Yours sincerely
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
Charity Commission
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Dear FOI Request Team,
Thanks for your response, and for clarifying somewhat how the system works. To follow up on your points:
2. Please could you provide the list of codes that cases can be looked up with in the management system, and their meanings.
4. To clarify, I am seeking a single screenshot of the search panel (e.g. to be able to roughly see the available filters): not every possible combination of search options. For example, something that looks like https://docs.esko.com/docs/en-us/webcent.... I believe a single screenshot would not make this a burdensome request.
Yours sincerely,
Katherine Miah
Dear Ms Miah,
Please find attached our interim response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Lucy Breakspere
Senior Information Rights Officer
W: [1]https://www.gov.uk/charity-commission
[2]TwitterFollow us on Twitter | @ChtyCommission
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