Energy consumption and printer agreements
Dear Acer Trust,
I would be very grateful if you would provide me with answers for the following questions regarding your carbon goals and printer agreements through the organisation:
• What is the current average energy charge within the organisation (kW hour)?
• What Carbon reduction goals are in place within the organisation?
• What is the contact email for the person who deals with sustainability and ESG matters within the organisation?
• Do you lease/rent or Purchase your MFD’s/Photocopiers?
• Who is your current supplier?
• What is the current number of MFD’s/Photocopiers within the organisation
• What make/model are the MFDs/Photocopiers
• What is the total mono print volume for the MFD’s/Photocopiers
• What is the total colour print volume for the MFD’s/Photocopiers
• What is the approximate spend on service over the last 12 months?
• When does the Rental and or service agreement end for the MFDs/photocopiers, and what was the original contract term?
• Do you lease/rent or Purchase your desktop printers?
• Who is the current supplier?
• What is the current number of desktop printers within the organisation?
• What make/model are the desktop printers
• What is the total mono print volume for the desktop printers
• What is the total colour print volume for the desktop printers?
• What is the approximate spend on service over the last 12 months?
• When does the rental and or service agreement end for the desktop printers, and what was the original contract term?
• What is the contact email for the person who deals with the printer and MFD contracts?
Yours faithfully,
Amber Byrne
Dear Amber
Thank you for your email.
We are a Multi Academy Trust currently consisting of 7 schools (3 secondary schools and 4 primary schools).
With regards to your questions, we have responded to the first three questions as per below.
• What is the current average energy charge within the organisation (kW hour)?
The average is 7.9555 kw/hour
• What Carbon reduction goals are in place within the organisation?
Measures taken to improve energy efficiency
We have significantly changed staff and student energy use behaviour in our schools over the last 12 months,
which has led to significant reduction in consumption. This was achieved through a Trust Energy Saving
Competition, with prizes donated by local partners.
In addition, the Trust has invested the DfE Energy Saving Capital Funding, announced in December 2022 in
energy reduction measures across all its schools. The works have included Building Management System
(BMS) upgrades, installation of LED lighting and Solar Panel Arrays.
• What is the contact email for the person who deals with sustainability and ESG matters within the organisation?
Jo Weeks, Acer Trust Estates Manager. Email: [email address]
With regards to our printer agreements for our schools, the attached spreadsheet provides information about each schools printer arrangements.
Kind regards
Nicky Hills
Acer Trust Administrator and Governance Officer
Tel: 07458 306409
Email: [email address]
Acer Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales.
Company No: 09591931
Registered Office: Matthew Arnold School, Arnolds Way Oxford,OX2 9JE
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