Employment Tribunal Figures

The request was successful.

Independent Police Support Group

Dear Humberside Police Authority,

Please provide figures for the number of employment tribunal claims over the past 5 years.

Please include type of claim and how resolved e.g won /lost/ withdrawn / settled etc

Yours faithfully,

Independent Police Support Group

Johnson, Louise,

Dear Sir/Madam,


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 4 September


Please find below the information that you are seeking:-


Please provide figures for the number of employment tribunal claims over
the past 5 years.


There have been 5 cases during that period in which Humberside Police
Authority have been named.


Please include type of claim and how resolved e.g won /lost/ withdrawn /
settled etc



Date Type Outcome
August 2007 Unlawful deduction from Pay Withdrawn

August 2008 Race and Age Discrimination Dismissed at pre hearing
May 2009 Unfair Dismissal Withdrawn

November 2010 Non payment of Redundancy Pay Withdrawn

November 2010 Sexual Discrimination Settled



I hope that you find this information helpful, however, if you think we
have not supplied information in accordance with our Publication Scheme or
under general rights of access then you have the right to ask for an
internal review.  Any request for an internal review should be addressed


Kevin Sharp

Chief Executive

Humberside Police Authority

40 High Street




Telephone:     01482 220787

Fax:                 01482 220794

E-mail:            [1][email address]


We would aim to complete an internal review within 15 working days.


If you are not content with the outcome of an internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9


Yours sincerely


Louise  Johnson 


Louise Johnson

Member Support Manager


Telephone: 01482 220731

E-mail:  [2][email address]

Fax:  01482 220794


Humberside Police Authority

Pacific Exchange

40 High Street

Hull HU1  1PS


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Independent Police Support Group

Dear Johnson, Louise,

Thank you for your response.

Yours sincerely,

Independent Police Support Group