Employees living in London

The request was successful.

Dear Sutton Borough Council,
I would like to know the following if possible please?

1. How many full time employees does Sutton Borough Council currently employ?

2. How many full time employees live in London?

3. How many full time employees live outside of London?

Many Thanks

Yours faithfully,

K Sanderson

LBS FOI, Sutton Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam  
-FOIS801   (please quote in correspondence)
I acknowledge your request for information received on 13/07/2021 
Your request is being considered and, if it is held, you will receive the
information requested within the statutory timescale of 20 working days as
defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, subject to the information
not being exempt or containing a reference to a third party.
If appropriate, the information may be provided in paper copy, normal font
size. If you require alternative formats, e.g. language, audio, large
print, etc. then please let us know.
For your information, the Act defines a number of exemptions which may
prevent release of the information you have requested. There will be an
assessment and if any of the exemption categories apply then the
information will not be released. You will be informed if this is the
case, including your rights of appeal.
If the information you request contains reference to a third party then
they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to
release the information to you. You will be informed if this is the case.
Please be advised that in line with London Borough of Sutton's commitment
to transparency, in due course an anonymous copy of your request and our
response may be published on our website.
Yours sincerely

FOI Team

Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
London Borough of Sutton

show quoted sections

Dear K Sanderson,

I refer to your request for information received on 13/07/2021 concerning
Employees living in London.

1. How many full time employees does Sutton Borough Council currently
891 (exc. Schools and Further Education)

2. How many full time employees live in London?
796 (inc. Greater London)
3. How many full time employees live outside of London?


If you are unhappy with the way in which your request has been handled you
have the right to ask for an internal review.  Please notify us in writing
as soon as possible with the grounds upon which you feel the appeal is
justified to: [1][email address] or by post to Information Governance
Team London Borough of Sutton

Civic Offices

St. Nicholas Way, Sutton SM1 1EA

We aim to respond to you within 20 working days of receiving your request.
If it is going to take longer we will let you know.


Should you still be dissatisfied with the outcome you have the right to
refer to the Information Commissioner: Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF [2]www.ico.org.uk


Yours sincerely


Jaspreet Kang

Digital & Data Partner

Digital & Data Team

Disclaimers apply, for full details see :


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.ico.org.uk/
3. https://www.kingston.gov.uk/email-discla...