Emissions , Permit, Regulations Air Pollution Singleton Oil IGAS

The request was partially successful.

Dear Environment Agency,

Re: Singleton Oilfield A286 Cobblers Row to Middlefield Singleton Chichester West Sussex

In an FOI response from 13 Feb 2020, ( reference 200117/SRi01 ) I was told that the Singleton Oil well site was going through a repermitting process.

Digging back to planning documents from 2016, I can see that the repermitting had begun and certain conditions were expected as a result of the approval of variation and extension of production to 2031.

It has now been 5 + years since the repermitting process started.

Please can you send your review of the permitting plans for IGAs’s operation at Singleton. ( I believe it is Environmental Permit EPR/PP3437LK/V005) and a copy of the directives after that review. (ie what abatement, improvement, directives to minimise emissions to the environment and reduce overall greenhouse emissions.

If the EA has determined this variation in question, please tell me what is the date of determination and and date that the operator informed. If it has been determined and sent to the operator, has the operator complied?

If it has not yet been determined please can you tell me why?

Re: historic emissions from the site:

Please can you send me the calculation of all produced gas generated from the site for the most recent recorded 12 months
Please can you tell me the total sum /volume of all produced gas generated from the site (all emission points) for the lifetime of the Singleton site (from all points of emissions from 28 November 1988- present.)
Current: Please tell me volume of gas combusted on site (past year) and volume compressed (past year).
Many thanks for your attention to this matter.
All the very best,

Emily Mott
Weald Action Group
South East Climate Alliance

Enquiries, Unit, Environment Agency

5 Attachments

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Enquiries, Unit, Environment Agency

Dear Emily


I have passed your e-mail to the local customer team who will deal with
your request.

The Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations
state that a public authority must respond to requests for information
within 20 working days.

However due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic affecting staff and resources
we may take longer than the 20 working days to reply. We will aim to
provide an answer as soon as we can.


You can find more information about our service commitment by clicking on
the link below:-




You can contact our customer team directly on the contact details below,
or call the National Customer Contact Centre on 03708 506506 who will
transfer you to the area team.


Please quote your enquiry reference 210120/AA05 in any correspondence with
us regarding this matter. 


Customer and Engagement

Environment Agency - Solent and South Downs Area. Email address
[2][email address]


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National Customer Email Team


Environment Agency


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SSD Enquiries, Environment Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Emily,

Thank you for your email of 19 January 2021; we can confirm that we have
received your below request.  Please be advised it has now been logged and
sent to our technical team for investigation; it has also been assigned
the reference number SSD202636.


Please be advised that we are currently dealing with higher-than-usual
workloads and our working patterns have been disrupted due to the impacts
of Covid-19. Therefore we may not be able to respond to your request
within normal timescales, however we will aim to provide you with your
information as soon as we can. 


In the meantime you may want to visit our website at [1]Gov.uk  and
[2]data.gov.uk to see if there is information available that can assist


Thank you for your patience.


Kind regards


Customers & Engagement Team


Environmental Planning and Engagement | Solent and South Downs Area | 
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN11 1LD

[3][email address]

National Customer Contact Centre 03708 506506







show quoted sections

SSD Enquiries, Environment Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Emily,     


Further to our email below, please see the below response from our
technical team regarding your query: 


The permitting review is still in progress. Once we have reached a
decision, we will publish a Decision Document which will explain how we
reached our decision.


This information is supplied subject to the notice which can be viewed via
the following link:


Please get in touch if you have any further queries or contact us within
two months if you would like us to review the information we have sent.


Kind regards


Customers & Engagement Team


Environmental Planning and Engagement | Solent and South Downs Area | 
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN11 1LD

[2][email address]

National Customer Contact Centre 03708 506506






From: SSD Enquiries
Sent: 27 January 2021 15:01
To: [FOI #719232 email]
Subject: 210127 SSD202636 - Emissions , Permit, Regulations Air Pollution
Singleton Oil IGAS


Dear Emily,

Thank you for your email of 19 January 2021; we can confirm that we have
received your below request.  Please be advised it has now been logged and
sent to our technical team for investigation; it has also been assigned
the reference number SSD202636.


Please be advised that we are currently dealing with higher-than-usual
workloads and our working patterns have been disrupted due to the impacts
of Covid-19. Therefore we may not be able to respond to your request
within normal timescales, however we will aim to provide you with your
information as soon as we can. 


In the meantime you may want to visit our website at [4]Gov.uk  and
[5]data.gov.uk to see if there is information available that can assist


Thank you for your patience.


Kind regards


Customers & Engagement Team


Environmental Planning and Engagement | Solent and South Downs Area | 
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN11 1LD

[6][email address]

National Customer Contact Centre 03708 506506







show quoted sections

SSD Enquiries, Environment Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Emily,


Apologies, just to clarify that this is only a partial response - there
will be a second response to your request here which is still being
investigated by our technical team.  We are experiencing higher than usual
workloads and our working patterns have been disrupted due to the impacts
of Covid-19. Therefore, we have been unable to respond to your request
within normal timescales.


Thank you for your patience.


Kind regards


Customers & Engagement Team


Environmental Planning and Engagement | Solent and South Downs Area | 
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN11 1LD

[1][email address]

National Customer Contact Centre 03708 506506





From: SSD Enquiries
Sent: 17 February 2021 16:46
To: [FOI #719232 email]
Subject: 210217 SSD202636 - Emissions , Permit, Regulations Air Pollution
Singleton Oil IGAS


Dear Emily,     


Further to our email below, please see the below response from our
technical team regarding your query: 


The permitting review is still in progress. Once we have reached a
decision, we will publish a Decision Document which will explain how we
reached our decision.


This information is supplied subject to the notice which can be viewed via
the following link:


Please get in touch if you have any further queries or contact us within
two months if you would like us to review the information we have sent.


Kind regards


Customers & Engagement Team


Environmental Planning and Engagement | Solent and South Downs Area | 
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN11 1LD

[4][email address]

National Customer Contact Centre 03708 506506






From: SSD Enquiries
Sent: 27 January 2021 15:01
To: [6][FOI #719232 email]
Subject: 210127 SSD202636 - Emissions , Permit, Regulations Air Pollution
Singleton Oil IGAS


Dear Emily,

Thank you for your email of 19 January 2021; we can confirm that we have
received your below request.  Please be advised it has now been logged and
sent to our technical team for investigation; it has also been assigned
the reference number SSD202636.


Please be advised that we are currently dealing with higher-than-usual
workloads and our working patterns have been disrupted due to the impacts
of Covid-19. Therefore we may not be able to respond to your request
within normal timescales, however we will aim to provide you with your
information as soon as we can. 


In the meantime you may want to visit our website at [7]Gov.uk  and
[8]data.gov.uk to see if there is information available that can assist


Thank you for your patience.


Kind regards


Customers & Engagement Team


Environmental Planning and Engagement | Solent and South Downs Area | 
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN11 1LD

[9][email address]

National Customer Contact Centre 03708 506506







show quoted sections

SSD Enquiries, Environment Agency

4 Attachments

Dear Emily,     


Please accept our apologies for the delay in our response to you for the
remainder of two FOI requests (SSD203226 and SSD202636), and any
inconvenience this may have caused.


Please be advised of the following response from our technical team
regarding the remainder of your requests. 


·         Please can you tell me how you are regulating this?


The management of the produced gas generated at the site is regulated
through the environmental permit. The incineration of produced gas within
the flares and the generation of heat and electricity within the
combustion plant at the site are all activities are permitted within the
permit and the monitoring of the emissions from these pieces of plant are
controlled through the permit.


As part of the review of the permit currently being carried out at the
site, an improvement condition (IC5) has been included within the permit
which requires the operator to submit for written approval a plan
identifying their identified method for reducing the impact of gas
emissions to atmosphere.


Please find attached a copy of the current environmental permit for the
site and decision document.


Regarding the other questions on which you have asked for information, we
are withholding the information requested and, as a public body, are
required to provide a formal letter of notice (attached) that gives an
explanation for the reasons for this refusal.    


Kind regards


Customers & Engagement Team


Environmental Planning and Engagement | Solent and South Downs Area | 
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN11 1LD

[1][email address]

National Customer Contact Centre 03708 506506





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