Emergency Duty Team Foster Carers weekly rates / models

The request was successful.

Dear Wokingham Borough Council,

I would like some information around Emergency Duty Team foster carers in your authority. Please could you offer any details regarding the following questions:

1. What is the model of delivery / how do you ensure cover?
2. How do you incentivise foster carers to take teenagers?
3. Your standard weekly rate (excluding child allowance)?

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,


informationrequests, Wokingham Borough Council

Thank you for your email.

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request, please be aware
that we can accept requests via our on-line web-form, which you may find
an easier way of submitting a request in future.

The online request form can be found at:

Yours sincerely


Customer Services


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Visible links
1. http://axlr8.wokinghamfoi.org.uk/feedbac...

informationrequests, Wokingham Borough Council

Hi Beth,

Thank you for your email.

After reading through your questions below; I have noticed that you have not provided us with your full name, only "Beth" and as we aren't able to determine your full name from your email address either; this isn't a valid name as advised by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) guidance. Therefore this request is refused under Section 8 of the Act. Under Section 8(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 it is required for us to have a name of the applicant and an address for correspondence - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000...

Under Section 16 of the Act I have a duty to provide you advice and assistance on your request. The ICO states "For a request to be valid, the requester must provide enough of their real name to give anyone reading that request a reasonable indication of their identity." As such to make this request valid, if you can provide us with your surname to log this, we would be able to progress this. Examples of acceptable naming structures:
. (Title) First name, Last name.
. (Title) Initial, Last name.
. (Title) First name, Middle name, Last name.
. (Title) Middle name, Last name.
. Title, Last name (last name provided in isolation is not valid)


If you can respond to this email address with the requested information then I will log and allocate your request. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Kind regards,
Stuart Bignell
Customer Delivery Officer - FOI, EIR and SAR lead
Communities, Insight and Change
Wokingham Borough Council
Email: [email address] Tel: (0118) 974 6000
Wokingham Borough - a great place to live, learn, work & grow and a great place to do business
Website: www.wokingham.gov.uk

Private: Information that contains a small amount of sensitive data which is essential to communicate with an individual but doesn't require to be sent via secure methods.

show quoted sections

Dear Stuart,

My full name is Bethany Reeder.

Yours sincerely,


informationrequests, Wokingham Borough Council

Thank you for your email.

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request, please be aware
that we can accept requests via our on-line web-form, which you may find
an easier way of submitting a request in future.

The online request form can be found at:

Yours sincerely


Customer Services


You should be aware that all e-mails received and sent by this Council are
subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and therefore may be
disclosed to a third party. (The information contained in this message or
any of its attachments may be privileged and confidential and intended for
the exclusive use of the addressee). The views expressed may not be
official policy but the personal views of the originator.

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Visible links
1. http://axlr8.wokinghamfoi.org.uk/feedbac...

Triggers - FOI Team, Wokingham Borough Council

Ms Reeder

RE: Information Request Ref No: 14550

Thank you for your FOI request and this is now being considered within the
statutory framework. The due date for a response to be issued is by
11/08/2021. We will contact you should we require further information to
be able to answer your request which will affect the above date.

Please be aware the legislation define a number of exemptions (Exceptions
for Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)) which may prevent release
of some or all of information you have requested. Your request will be
reviewed and if any of the exemption categories apply, then this
information will not be provided.

If collating the information you have requested, is going to exceed the
appropriate limit then your request will be refused on the grounds of
‘Manifestly Unreasonable’. You will be informed if there is a way to
resubmit the request so that this is within a reasonable response time
(e.g. below 18 hours for Freedom of Information), or the cost of
completing the request if you would like to pay for the work to be done.
In this event, the fee must be paid before the information is provided and
timescale will be suspended until payment has been processed. In the case
of EIR or Subject Access your request may be extended which allows
additional time to compete the request in the case of voluminous or
complex cases.

If you have any queries, please contact Information Services on 0118 974
6000 or email [Wokingham Borough Council request email].

Please quote the above reference number on any communication.

Kind regards,

FOI Team
Information Governance Team
Communities, Insight and Change
[Wokingham Borough Council request email]

Wokingham Borough Council

Dear Ms Reeder,

RE: Freedom of Information Request Ref No: 14550

Thank you for your recent communication, please find below the information in response to your request.

1. What is the model of delivery / how do you ensure cover?
EDT list is agreed each Friday with the names of those Foster Carers who have availability and are able to cover any emergency request over the weekend. The list is circulated to all relevant departments. The foster carters on EDT are paid an agreed rate.

2. How do you incentivise foster carers to take teenagers?
Wokingham Borough Council have two levels of child allowance which is 0-10 and 11+ and foster carers are aware they will receive the higher rate for teenagers in placement.

3. Your standard weekly rate (excluding child allowance)?
Average weekly rate is £235.66.
If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can request for it to be reviewed by contacting the Council’s Legal Services at Wokingham Borough Council via; Information Services, Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham, RG40 1BN, or e-mailing [Wokingham Borough Council request email] detailing the reasons why you are dissatisfied with the response. Please address your correspondence to Shared Legal Solutions.

Requests not resolved at that stage can be escalated to the Information Commissioner at: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

For further information, please visit: https://ico.org.uk/

Yours sincerely

Stuart Bignell
Information Governance Team
Communities, Insight and Change