Emergency Duty Team Foster Carers weekly rates / models
Dear Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead,
I would like some information around Emergency Duty Team foster carers in your authority. Please could you offer any details regarding the following questions:
1. What is the model of delivery / how do you ensure cover?
2. How do you incentivise foster carers to take teenagers?
3. Your standard weekly rate (excluding child allowance)?
Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Beth,
Children’s and Adult’s services for the Royal Borough of Windsor and
Maidenhead (RBWM) are delivered by Achieving for Children (AfC) and
Optalis our partner organisations providing children & adult social care
on behalf of the council.
We do not hold the information you require you will therefore need to
submit your request directly to them at:
[1][email address] or [2][email address]
Yours Sincerely
Angelica Popa, PC.foi.
Information Governance and Elections Officer
Information Governance Team
Governance Service
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Town Hall, St.Ives Road
Tel: 01628-685806
Website: [3]http://www.rbwm.gov.uk
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