Emergency Duty Team Foster Carers weekly rates / models

The request was successful.

Dear Leeds City Council,

I would like some information around Emergency Duty Team foster carers in your authority. Please could you offer any details regarding the following questions:

1. What is the model of delivery / how do you ensure cover?
2. How do you incentivise foster carers to take teenagers?
3. Your standard weekly rate (excluding child allowance)?

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Bethany Reeder

Leeds City Council

Requests Team
Information Management & Governance
Leeds City Council
PO Box 837
Tel: 0113 3784251
Email: [email address]

Our reference: MWLG4LC7R

Date 25/08/2021

Dear Bethany Reeder,

Re: Freedom of Information Request 

I refer to your correspondence to the Council requesting information about
Emergency Duty Team Foster Carers in this authority.

Please find response below:

Q1.         What is the model of delivery / how do you ensure cover?

Leeds Fostering Service does not have 'Emergency Duty Team Foster
Carers'.  Leeds Foster Care Association (LFCA), an independent
organisation run for and by foster carers offers some out of hours support
to foster carers.

Q2.         How do you incentivise foster carers to take teenagers?

Leeds Fostering Service operates a 'Payment for Skills' policy all foster
carers including those who care for teenagers. Foster carers are paid from
Levels 1 - 4 dependent on skills and experience.

Q3.         Your standard weekly rate (excluding child allowance)? This
information can be found on the 'Financial Support' page of our website 

I trust that this response is satisfactory. If however you are
dissatisfied with this response you have a right to appeal to an
independent officer within the council. They will re-examine your request
and assess whether we have adhered to the requirements of the act. Should
you wish to follow this course of action please address your concerns in
writing to the above address.

You also have a right under Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act
to ask the Information Commissioner to decide whether we have met with our
obligations under the act.  The Commissioner has however made it clear
that she expects all applicants to exhaust internal appeals procedures
prior to making such an application. Should you wish to contact the
Commissioner’s office then you can contact the Commissioner via her
website at [1]www.ico.org.uk

I trust that this is self-explanatory.  If you have any queries please
contact me on 0113 3784251, or by return email.

If you have any queries or wish to discuss this matter then please contact
me on 0113 3784251 or by email to [email address].

Yours sincerely,

Information Management & Governance Team
Digital Information Service
Leeds City Council

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Visible links
1. http://www.ico.org.uk/