Name: Daniel Stonard
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Bracken House
Bracton Lane
Leyton Cross Road
Our ref: FOI 5151
Date: 03 May 2019
Switchboard: 01322625700
Dear Daniel,
Thank you for your request for information dated 13/04/2019. Your request has been managed
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
You requested the following information under section 8 of the Act:
1.Does the trust manage the digitisation of its patient records on-site or is this an outsourced
This is an outsourced service.
2. If outsourced who is the current provider, when did the contract start and what is the contract
The current provider is Civica. The contract transferred when Civica bought out Gateway Computing
(our original contractor). We renew our contract annually with Civica (i.e. a rolling contract).
a. Was this contract awarded via any Frameworks e.g. CCS RM1063?
The original contract was awarded via OJEC back in 2003
b. What is the cost of digitising patient records within the trust?
c. What is the cost of digitising patient records with outsourced providers?
Approx. £150 per box.
d. What are the trusts targets for having patient files scanned and hard-copy notes available
as digital images?
There is a 6 week turn around for scanning hard copy notes into digital images. The notes
are historic so there is no immediate need to access. However, should the notes be
required prior to scanning they can either be returned by courier or scanned as priority and
returned electronically.
3. If the patient file scanning is provided in house how many staff are involved in:
a. Preparing and/or scanning medical records/patient files? N/A
b. Distributing (delivering or collecting) physical notes around the estate? N/A
c. Retrieving and collecting physical notes from on-site stores? N/A
4. What is the volume of patient record creation per day/week/month by the trust (day forward
The Trust no longer creates paper clinical records. All records are created electronically.
a. Is the scanning of patient records linked to any Document Management systems?
b. If so can you confirm which ones are used within the trust?
Windip hosted by Civica.
5. What is your average number of daily created paper records?
6. Does the trust currently scan documents at department level?
a. If so, what hardware is used to scan records?
Fujitsu scanners.
b. How were they procured?
Via our ICT department
c. Who in the trust is responsible for the contract management and procurement of these
Our ICT dept.
7. Please outline which departments are scanning physical paper records and average daily volumes,
both back scan and day forward (if they can be separated).
8. Is there a quality standard to adhere to within the trust for scanning paper notes?
9. Does the trust scan other records than patient files?
a. If yes could you please supply daily volumes of record scanning?
Information not held
b. If yes, please also supply types of records which are scanned?
Information not held
10. Can you please provide the contact details including email address/format of the trust’s IT
a. If the IT Director is not responsible for digital transformation, please supply contact
details, including email address/format of the person(s) who are.
b. Please also supply the details of those responsible for managing patient records
(scanning, physical storage and delivery etc).
Information Governance Team
11. Could you please supply a current organisational chart for medical records, digitisation services
and digital transformation programmes?
See attached
If you have any queries or concerns or are dissatisfied with the service you have received in relation
to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you wish to request a review of the decision,
you should write to the Information Governance Manager, Julie Lucas via email at in the first instance. If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome of your review
and wish to make a formal complaint, please address this to: Complaints, Oxleas NHS Foundation
Trust, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford, DA2 7WG - Email
: In addition if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint or review, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision
unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Trust. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF (Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745 - Kind regards,
Paul Bransgrove
Information Governance Officer
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust | Bracken House | Bracton Lane | Leyton Cross Road | Dartford | Kent |