Electric Vehicle Recharging & Motorcycle (Solo) Parking
Dear Sir or Madam,
Could you provide information under the Freedom of Information Act with regard to the following points;
(1) Does the Council operate or have plans pending for the provision of public electrical re-charging points for electric vehicles either directly, or in association with a third-party supplier or facilities provider? If so, what is the location of these points?
(2) Within the Council area, what provision has been made for the parking of Motorcycles (either on or off-street), and what is the location of same?
Yours faithfully,
Peter Grant
Dear Mr Grant,
I acknowledge receipt of your email below which is receiving attention.
I shall contact you again when I am in a position to respond more fully
to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Sandra Hazarika
For Corporate Freedom of Information Officer
North Lanarkshire Council
Civic Centre
Windmillhill Street
(01698) 302232
Dear Mr. Grant,
Request for Information
I refer again to your e-mail dated 1 November 2009 seeking information
relating to electric vehicle recharging and motor cycle (solo) parking.
Having investigated my response to your questions (1) and (2) is as
(1) This Council does not operate public electrical charging
points within its area, either directly or in conjunction with a third-party
provider, and currently has no plans for such provision.
(2) This Council has made no provision for motor cycle parking
(either in or off-street) within its area and holds no records which might
indicate such provision by other parties within the Council area.
I hope this information is sufficient for your purpose. If, however, you
require further information - or I can assist in any other way - please
let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Sandra Hazarika
For Corporate Freedom of Information Officer
North Lanarkshire Council
Civic Centre
Windmillhill Street
(01698) 302232
Dear Ms Hazarika,
Thanks you for your response, and I can confirm receipt of the information.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Grant
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