Electively Home Educated children and children not in school.
Dear Peterborough City Council,
Please provide information for the following 9 questions:
1. How many home educated children does your LA currently have recorded?
2. How many households do these children come from?
3. In the last 12 months how many s437(1) formal notices to satisfy have you served on parents regarding home educated children?
4. How many School Attendance Orders (SAOs) (attendance order in Scotland) have been served on children that were known to be home educated until the SAO was served?
5. What was the outcome of each SAO? (for example, prosecuted for non compliance (please explain the outcome from court), revoked (please explain why the SAO was revoked). )
6. How many children do you have recorded as a Child Missing Education (CME) that are not subject to S437(1) or SAO?
7. In the last 12 months, what is the range of time period between a parent requesting the LA provide a school place and the child starting at the school? (for example a home educated child that wishes to go to school, or a family has moved to the area and wants a school place).
8. In the period of time, between the parental request and the initial start date at school, has the LA put in place education for the child under s19 Education Act?
9. If s19 is provided, how many hours education per week are put in place?
Yours faithfully,
Cheryl Moy
Educational Freedom
Re: FOI202408003143
Dear Sir / Madam
This is a courtesy email to let you know your request for information has
been received on 05/08/2024.
The Council aims to respond to all requests within 20 working days, in
this instance by 03/09/2024
Your unique reference number is FOI202408003143. Please keep this number
safe and please use it in any correspondence with ourselves.
Kind regards
Information Governance
Law & Governance
Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays
Contact details:
Kevin Taylor, Access to Information Officer - 01733 452576
Tazeem Akhtar, Access to Information Officer - 01733 207138
Sadaf Abdullah, Access to Records Officer - 01733 864668
Tracey Wright, Information Manager - 01733 452533
Ben Stevenson, Head of Information Governance/Data Protection Officer on
01733 452387 (non-working day Wed)
Emma Doran, Business Support Officer - 01733 453571
Email: [Peterborough City Council request email]
To find out more about Peterborough City Council please go to
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use of this email.For full information relating to the transmission and
use of this email please visit www.peterborough.gov.uk/emaildisclaimer
Re: FOI-202408003143
Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for your recently submitted Freedom of Information (FOI) request
to Peterborough City Council.
You will have received an automated acknowledgment email advising of when
to expect a response from us. Unfortunately, we have identified an error
with the date provided to you and it has inadvertently been
calculated incorrectly.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have
caused. We have now rectified this error within our new FOI system, and we
can advise that your correct response date will be 4^th September.
We will be in contact with you in due course with a response to your
request, however, if you have any queries or concerns, please do contact
Kind regards
Information Governance
Law & Governance
Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays
Contact details:
Kevin Taylor, Access to Information Officer - 01733 452576
Tazeem Akhtar, Access to Information Officer - 01733 207138
Sadaf Abdullah, Access to Records Officer - 01733 864668
Tracey Wright, Information Manager - 01733 452533
Ben Stevenson, Head of Information Governance/Data Protection Officer on
01733 452387 (non-working day Wed)
Emma Doran, Business Support Officer - 01733 453571
Email: [Peterborough City Council request email]
To find out more about Peterborough City Council please go to
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Conditions apply to the confidentiality, copyright, legal liability and
use of this email.For full information relating to the transmission and
use of this email please visit www.peterborough.gov.uk/emaildisclaimer
Freedom of Information Act response – ref FOI-202408003143
Dear Cheryl Moy,
Your request for information, reference number FOI-202408003143, has now
been considered and the information requested is given below.
Request and Response
1. How many home educated children does your LA currently have recorded?
2. How many households do these children come from?
3. In the last 12 months how many s437(1) formal notices to satisfy have
you served on parents regarding home educated children?
None in 2024
4. How many School Attendance Orders (SAOs) (attendance order in
Scotland) have been served on children that were known to be home educated
until the SAO was served?
None in 2024
5. What was the outcome of each SAO? (for example, prosecuted for
non-compliance (please explain the outcome from court), revoked (please
explain why the SAO was revoked).
Not applicable
6. How many children do you have recorded as a Child Missing Education
(CME) that are not subject to S437(1) or SAO?
7. In the last 12 months, what is the range of time period between a
parent requesting the LA provide a school place and the child starting at
the school? (for example a home educated child that wishes to go to
school, or a family has moved to the area and wants a school place).
The admissions team endeavour to respond to all applications for school
places within 10-15 school days with an offer of a school place.
8. In the period of time, between the parental request and the initial
start date at school, has the LA put in place education for the child
under s19 Education Act?
Peterborough has an internal process for schools to place children on roll
within 10 school days from the offer being made (if this is an in-year
transfer request) as S19 of the Education Act comes into force for
children who have not been attending school i.e. due to health needs for
15 days then these children would not be offered education through s19.
9. If s19 is provided, how many hours education per week are put in place?
A minimum of 15 hours, but we aim to give 25 hours if applicable for the
child. We consider each case individually.
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