Electively Home Educated children and children not in school.
Dear North Lincolnshire Council,
Please provide information for the following 9 questions:
1. How many home educated children does your LA currently have recorded?
2. How many households do these children come from?
3. In the last 12 months how many s437(1) formal notices to satisfy have you served on parents regarding home educated children?
4. How many School Attendance Orders (SAOs) (attendance order in Scotland) have been served on children that were known to be home educated until the SAO was served?
5. What was the outcome of each SAO? (for example, prosecuted for non compliance (please explain the outcome from court), revoked (please explain why the SAO was revoked). )
6. How many children do you have recorded as a Child Missing Education (CME) that are not subject to S437(1) or SAO?
7. In the last 12 months, what is the range of time period between a parent requesting the LA provide a school place and the child starting at the school? (for example a home educated child that wishes to go to school, or a family has moved to the area and wants a school place).
8. In the period of time, between the parental request and the initial start date at school, has the LA put in place education for the child under s19 Education Act?
9. If s19 is provided, how many hours education per week are put in place?
Yours faithfully,
Cheryl Moy
Educational Freedom
Dear Cheryl Moy,
Thank you for your request which was received on 4th August. The estimate
response date for your request is the 2nd September.
Should you have any queries, amendments or additions relating to this
request, please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Yours Faithfully
Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council
Dear Cheryl Moy,
I am writing in response to your request for information, that was
received on the 4th August. Please find our Information Disclosure letter
If we can be of any further assistance with regard to this request please
let us know quoting the above reference number.
Yours sincerely,
Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council
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