Elder Care Costs
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please could you send me the following info in csv file:
- The typical cost that would be charged to a member of the public, for a care home, per week, procured by the council (assuming no reliefs/discounts applicable). Please could you tell me the weekly price for residential care, nursing care and nursing care with dementia. For each pls can you itemise seperately the personal care element.
- The typical cost that would be charged to a member of the public, for an hour of home care procured by the council (assuming no reliefs/discounts applicable). Please could you itemise seperately the personal care element if one exists.
For clarity the above is for elderly care.
Alan Andrews
Classification: OFFICIAL
Dear Alan Andrews,
Thank you for making a request for information to the London Borough of
Enfield on 14^th June 2022.
We are aiming to respond to your request within 20 working days and will
let you know if we hold the information you requested and if we can
release it under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We are now making an initial assessment of your request and we will
contact you if any clarification is needed.
If you have any queries regarding your request, please contact us at
[Enfield Council request email] quoting your reference CRM FOI
Kind Regards
Complaints and Information Team
Resources Department
Enfield Council
Silver Street
Email: [Enfield Council request email]
Website: www.enfield.gov.uk
Dear Alan
Further to your FOI request please see below responses
- The typical cost that would be charged to a member of the public, for a
care home, per week, procured by the council (assuming no
reliefs/discounts applicable). Please could you tell me the weekly price
for residential care, nursing care and nursing care with dementia. For
each pls can you itemise separately the personal care element.
We cannot provide a weekly cost as this determined on an individual basis,
in relation to the needs of the service user.
- The typical cost that would be charged to a member of the public, for an
hour of home care procured by the council (assuming no reliefs/discounts
applicable). Please could you itemise separately the personal care element
if one exists.
The typical hourly rate in Enfield is £16.96 per hour
Kind regards
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