EIR: flooding incidents 2023
Dear Olympos Water Limited,
Under the Environmental Information Regulations, 2004, and as validated by Fish Legal v Information Commissioner United Utilities plc Yorkshire Water Services Ltd and the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [2015] UKUT 52 (AAC), which confirms that water companies, are a ‘public authority’ for the purposes of said regulations, I am requesting the following information:
- The full list of flooding incidents you were involved in in 2023, including those caused by faults in your infrastructure or maintenance.
- The full list of sewer flooding incidents caused by your infrastructure in 2023, including post code and number of properties affected.
- The number of sewer flooding incidents you are involved in 2023.
- The number of properties impacted by sewer flooding incidents you are involved in of in 2023.
Yours faithfully,
Louis Ramirez
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