EHCPs and SEN transport

The request was refused by Cumbria County Council.

Good afternoon,

The following is a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am requesting:

1) As of 31/12/2020, how many young people had Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)?
2) As of 31/12/2021, how many young people had Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)?
3) As of 31/12/2021, how many young people with an EHCP were placed in provision in the boundaries of a different local authority?
4) In reference to the figure provided in response to question (3), please break the figure down by local authority
5) As of 31/12/2021, how many young people in receipt of SEND transport funded by the local authority were taken to their education setting on their own (i.e. they are the only young person) in a taxis

I would like to receive the information electronically in a spreadsheet.

If the decision is made to withhold some of this information using exemptions in the Act, please inform me of that fact and cite the exemptions used.

If you need clarification please contact me at this email address. Under your section 16 duty to provide advice and assistance I would expect you to contact me if you find this request unmanageable in any way before the 20th working day.

I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request, and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Thank you for your time,

Gareth Davies

Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

Dear Gareth Davies 

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Reference: FOI-11940-2022

Thank you for your request for information regarding EHCPs and SEN
transport, which was received on 09/02/2022.

The council aims to provide you with the information within the statutory
timescale of 20 working days in this case the date is 09/03/2022.
Subject to the information not being exempt or containing any references
to third parties.

The council will, as a matter of routine make information available in
electronic format. Where it is not practical to do this information will
be provided in hard copy (paper). If information is required in
alternative formats e.g. language, audio, large print, etc., please
indicate this as soon as possible so the council can consider your

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 define a number of
exemptions/exceptions which may prevent information being released to you
automatically. The council will make an assessment about the application
of any exemptions/exceptions and issue you with a decision letter, which
will include details of your right to appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party the
council will consult with them prior to making a decision about the
release of information.

In accordance with the council's Charging Policy a fee may be charged for
supplying information. If a fee is payable you will be issued with a fees
notice. The applicable fee must be paid in full before the information is
processed and released. The statutory time limit for responses is
suspended until the council has received and processed your payment. If
payment is not received within three months of issuing the fees notice
your request will be closed.

If you have any queries or concerns about this email do not hesitate to
contact us.

Many thanks 

Information Governance Team
Corporate, Customer & Community | Cumbria County Council
Service Centre | Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park
| Carlisle | CA6 4SJ
t: 01228 221234 


Visible links

Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Gareth Davies 

Freedom of Information Act 2000, Reference: FOI-11940-2022

Please see attached for a response to your request for information.

Many thanks 

Information Governance Team
Corporate, Customer & Community | Cumbria County Council
Service Centre | Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park
| Carlisle | CA6 4SJ
t: 01228 221234 


Visible links