Educational Psychology Services
Dear Sir
Please provide the following information in line with FOIA:
1. What is the structural FTE Educational Psychologists in the following grades:
a. Assistant Educational Psychologists employed on the Soulbury Assistant Educational Psychologise Scale
b. Educational Psychologists on Soulbury Scale A
c. Educational Psychologists employed on Soulbury Scale B
d. Educational and other Psychologists employed on any other scale
2. How many vacant posts are there in the Educational Psychology Service?
3. How many posts are filled on an interim or temporary basis by employees?
4. What is the average salary (including on-costs) of employed Educational Psychologists
5. What is the average daily cost of employed Educational Psychologists
6. What is the average daily cost of the following categories of Educational Psychologists for the years 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
a. Temporary Educational Psychologists
b. Locum Educational Psychologists
c. Agency Educational Psychologists
7. What is the total spend on locum/ agency / temporary Educational Psychologists for the year 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.
8. What is the current and projected spend on Locum Educational Psychologists for the current financial year?
Yours faithfully,
Morag Farley
National Officer - Employment Policy and Support
Association of Educational Psychologists
Thank you for your request for information concerning Educational Psychology Services.
Your request has been recorded and your reference number is FOI_6989, please quote this reference should you need to contact us.
The Council is aware of the importance for dealing with these matters as a priority and will provide available information within 20 working days, unless, exceptionally, there is a need to consider whether the information is exempt from disclosure.
We will contact you again soon in connection with your request.
Dear Morag,
I refer to your freedom of information request.
This reply has been developed by Together for Children Limited an
arms-length wholly owned Company of Sunderland City Council charged with
delivering high quality children’s services on behalf of the Council.
Dear Sir
Please provide the following information in line with FOIA:
. What is the structural FTE Educational Psychologists in the
following grades:
a. Assistant Educational Psychologists employed on the Soulbury
Assistant Educational Psychologise Scale. 0
b. Educational Psychologists on Soulbury Scale A. 0
c. Educational Psychologists employed on Soulbury Scale B. 3.68 FTE
d. Educational and other Psychologists employed on any other scale. 0
2. How many vacant posts are there in the Educational Psychology
Service? 3
3. How many posts are filled on an interim or temporary basis by
employees? 0
4. What is the average salary (including on-costs) of employed
Educational Psychologists ? £85,566 FTE Annual Salary
5. What is the average daily cost of employed Educational
Psychologists. £221.77 including oncosts
6. What is the average daily cost of the following categories of
Educational Psychologists for the years 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
a. Temporary Educational Psychologists. £0
b. Locum Educational Psychologists. £0
c. Agency Educational Psychologists. £0
7. What is the total spend on locum/ agency / temporary Educational
Psychologists for the year 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. £0
8. What is the current and projected spend on Locum Educational
Psychologists for the current financial year? £0
Yours faithfully,
Morag Farley
National Officer - Employment Policy and Support Association of
Educational Psychologists
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