Educational Psychology Services

Morag Farley made this Freedom of Information request to Sheffield City Council as part of a batch sent to 166 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir
Please provide the following information in line with FOIA:

1. What is the structural FTE Educational Psychologists in the following grades:
a. Assistant Educational Psychologists employed on the Soulbury Assistant Educational Psychologise Scale
b. Educational Psychologists on Soulbury Scale A
c. Educational Psychologists employed on Soulbury Scale B
d. Educational and other Psychologists employed on any other scale
2. How many vacant posts are there in the Educational Psychology Service?
3. How many posts are filled on an interim or temporary basis by employees?
4. What is the average salary (including on-costs) of employed Educational Psychologists
5. What is the average daily cost of employed Educational Psychologists
6. What is the average daily cost of the following categories of Educational Psychologists for the years 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
a. Temporary Educational Psychologists
b. Locum Educational Psychologists
c. Agency Educational Psychologists

7. What is the total spend on locum/ agency / temporary Educational Psychologists for the year 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.

8. What is the current and projected spend on Locum Educational Psychologists for the current financial year?

Yours faithfully,

Morag Farley
National Officer - Employment Policy and Support
Association of Educational Psychologists

FOI, Sheffield City Council

Dear Morag Farley,

Thank you for your request for information relating to Educational
Psychology Services which we received on 09/10/2023.

This has been logged as a Freedom of Information Request and will be dealt
with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The reference number for
your request can be found above.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 states that we must respond to you
within 20 working days, by 06/11/2023. Please do not hesitate to contact
us at the email address below if you have any queries.

Yours sincerely,

Sheffield City Council

PO Box 1283

Sheffield, S1 1UJ

Email: [1][Sheffield City Council request email]

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FOI, Sheffield City Council

Dear Morag Farley,

Thank you for your request for information relating to Educational
Psychology Services which we received on 09/10/2023.

Please find Sheffield City Council’s response to your request set out

1.      What is the
structural FTE  
Educational Psychologists
in the following grades: FTE
a.      Assistant
Educational Psychologists
employed on the Soulbury  
Assistant Educational
Psychologist Scale 5.65
b.      Educational
Psychologists on Soulbury  
Scale A 15.65
c.      Educational
Psychologists employed on  
Soulbury Scale B 4.80
d.      Educational and
other Psychologists  
employed on any other
scale 0
2.      How many vacant
posts are there in the  
Educational Psychology 1 position currently being
Service? recruited to
3.      How many posts
are filled on an interim  
or temporary basis by
employees? 6
4.      What is the
average salary (including  
on-costs) of employed
Educational Psychologists £49,339.35
5.      What is the
average daily cost of  
employed Educational
Psychologists £197.36
6.      What is the April 2020 – April 2021 – April 2022 –
average daily cost of the March 2021 March 2022 March 2023
following categories of  
Educational Psychologists
for the years 2020-2021,
2021-2022 and 2022-2023
a.      Temporary *these figures are not available due to  
Educational Psychologists invoice amounts not breaking down to daily
b.      Locum Educational costs.  
c.      Agency  
Educational Psychologists
7.      What is the total April 2020 – April 2021 – April 2022 –
spend on locum/ agency / March 2021 March 2022 March 2023
temporary Educational  
Psychologists for the
years 2020-2021,
2021-2022 and 2022-2023
a.      Temporary *Not able to identify specific Agency, Locum  
Educational Psychologists or Temporary Educational Psychologists from
b.      Locum Educational invoices. Only total spend on all available.  
c.      Agency  
Educational Psychologists
Total* £570 £167,957 £376,669  
8.      What is the *Not able to identify Locum Educational
current and projected Psychologists from invoices.
spend on Locum  
Educational Psychologists
for the current financial

If you have any queries about this response, please do not hesitate to
contact us.

The information provided in this response is available for re-use under
the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0. The terms of the OGL can be
found [1]here. When re-using the information, Sheffield City Council
requires you to include the following attribution statement: “Contains
public sector information obtained from Sheffield City Council and
licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.”

If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your
request, you are entitled to have this reviewed. You can ask for an
internal review by replying to this email. Internal review requests should
be submitted within 40 working days from the date of this response.

If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your internal review, you
can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please see
for further details.

Kind Regards,

Sheffield City Council

PO Box 1283

Sheffield, S1 1UJ

Email: [3][Sheffield City Council request email]

This Email, and any attachments, may contain non-public information and is
intended solely for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. It may
contain sensitive or protectively marked material and should be handled
accordingly. If this Email has been misdirected, please notify the author
immediately. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose,
distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained in it
or attached, and all copies must be deleted immediately. Whilst we take
reasonable steps to try to identify any software viruses, any attachments
to this Email may nevertheless contain viruses which our anti-virus
software has failed to identify. You should therefore carry out your own
anti-virus checks before opening any documents. Sheffield City Council
will not accept any liability for damage caused by computer viruses
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